Jia Ren, who dare not leave the ground with his feet, can start from the preparation sequence step by step . As a matter of

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Repeat 15-20 times alternately from left to right . For women, having a flat abdomen can not only enhance your charm, but also give you

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4 . Chest up, shoulders down, thigh muscles tight, pay attention not to hips, inhale, back to mountain pose . SANA means asana . The

According to the five implications are empty, through all the hardships . In the words of a writer’s friend, it’s interesting to see flowers while

Keep 5-8 breaths, and change the other side . “Jiangnan vegetation . Move your weight forward to the inclined plate . If you can’t get

Article 15 in 2019, if .

It’s from American yogi Wah! He is also a music therapist, and his chanting content is “hare krishna”, which is the famous chanting of the

Function: this posture can promote the microcirculation of the body, improve the stiffness of ligaments and muscles between joints, and beautify the skin . Note