Pilates on the mat, Pilates on the instrument . Hatha Yoga, Inner Flow Yoga, air yoga, ball yoga, physical therapy yoga . Postpartum repair, shaping

8 . Double angle style Body mountain standing, feet apart from the appropriate distance, the body move to the right side, bend the right knee,

Squatting Eagle style can be combined with leg muscle stretching and contraction exercise, such as: sitting, supine, prone are better choices, they are concerned, what

When breathing in, the mother and the baby bend forward at the same time, legs as straight as possible, hands through the middle of the

Learn to set aside time for yoga . But in the busy life, there are still many people “three days fishing, two days drying net”,

02 course directory long according to the following two-dimensional code, private chat I get the detailed directory– . Add the top small class official V

You can not only use it to eliminate all kinds of fatigue, relax your body and mind most freely and thoroughly, but also make love

After receiving the limited time red envelope subsidy for the new year’s festival, they can enjoy 7 times Yoga card and 2 private classes for

Twist the chest left and right, hold 10 breaths 06, side squat Exit from goddess style and enter side squat style . Lie on the

7 . This method can not only be flexible hip joint, but also open chest movement 10 This version is suitable for yoga beginners .