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Lower back – place the Yoga brick under your sacrum . Middle back – place the Yoga brick under your shoulder blade . 2 .

Soldier 3 withdraws from soldier 2 and enters soldier 3 . Imagine that you want to take away the Yoga brick tightly and stay for

In the long run, it’s strange that the legs are not thick . 1 . When you finish a whole set of yoga practice, don’t

Therefore, abdominal muscle group will also bulge with the bulge of the abdominal cavity, adduct with the adduction of the abdominal cavity, and tighten with

[forwarding is the biggest encouragement to Xiaobian] Xiaobian recommends a good-looking public platform. .

Stars do not ask passers-by, time does not disappoint those who want to . “ELA [melancolic mix]” singer: chili walker, good music can go into

They feel that their back doesn’t work, especially stiff! In fact, the emergence of these problems is related to the stiffness of the spine .

Yoga, like reading, must be bitter before sweet . To the vast and subtle, extremely detailed and Tao yoga . Only when Yoga becomes a