The reason why he got involved in yoga is that he felt more and more tense and had poor flexibility . He said that the

The most favorable auspices of UyogaCD Love official account: three End, the first month of the month, End, if you like, please share with your

Happy Valentine’s day, flowers! ❤️。 . The lover of a yogi is divinity, the life of a yogi is practice, and the job of a

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To develop a healthy and ecologically balanced yoga, you need to have a yoga heart . Previous Bibliographies: the power of yoga, life outside the

This group of warm-up sequence is composed of some yoga postures that you often practice . There is a couplet that is interesting: if you

Bridge: efficacy: release pressure, strengthen back muscles, promote blood circulation, shape beautiful leg curve and firm hip . Hold for 5-7 breaths . 3 .

Your expectation is the direction of our efforts! please . The connected postures have one movement and one breath . Hatha Yoga: may hold 10

Ancient yoga believers developed the Yoga system because they believed that by exercising the body and regulating the breathing, they could control the mind and