Master Aiyangge once said: To judge whether a yogi is qualified, it depends on two postures: standing mountain posture and descending dog posture. Foldable Bike
Author: newyogastyle

The best yoga exercise for slimming thighs, 5 minutes a day, 2 weeks to slim down to chopstick legs!
Goddess style promotes the foundation and strength of the lower body. This is an open hip position that will ignite a fire in that area.

In most fitness and sports activities, feet are important due to their weight-bearing function (except for swimming and martial arts). Yoga practice places great emphasis

The main postures include: mountain style – forward bend – warrior one – warrior two – counter attack style – triangular side extension – four

In the second series of Astanga, there are many deep back bending poses that are very beneficial for some people, but may be too intense

Urdhva Dhanrasana (wheeled) is a strong back bending posture that can be a bit difficult for many people. Wheel Truing Stand .

Yoga, as an ancient and profound way of physical and mental cultivation, has received widespread attention and practice in contemporary society. This study aims to

Yoga, as a widely popular way of physical and mental exercise, is crucial for beginners to understand some basic movements and precautions. The following will

Yoga “is a healthy and sophisticated way of life, and in China, following the local customs also carries the functions of skills, knowledge, culture, and

In the cold winter, using yoga to warm up the body provides warmth and nourishment to the soul. Wheel Truing Stand .