New Yoga Life

Stabilize your pelvis and activate your legs. This yoga sequence is enough!

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Did your mother slap you when you crossed your legs at home? In addition to being unsightly and unsightly, crossing two legs can also destroy the shape of legs and even affect health.

I don’t know when I’m young, but I’m tired when I’m old! It’s time to test whether you listen to your mother.

How many of the following symptoms do you have? 1.

When sitting in a chair, you will always unconsciously lift your legs or roll them up; 2.

The wear of left and right shoes is different; 3.

Even if you are hungry, your lower abdomen will swell badly; 4.

Always feel tired when standing and always want to lean against the wall or other things; 5.

After exercise, the degree of pain in the left and right legs is different; 6.

The legs are not straight, with obvious deformities (type O, type X); The reason why my mother doesn’t let me cross my legs: don’t accumulate much.

As long as there is one of them, you have to reflect! Your leg bones have been deformed.

In the long run, if the leg shape is ugly, it will also cause physical imbalance.

When you get old, there are a lot of broken things in your bones.

Today, I recommend a group of yoga exercises to you, which is mainly to prevent and solve the imbalance of pelvis and legs.

If you have problems such as pelvic tilt, thigh internal rotation, knee hyperextension, X or O-shaped legs, plantar fasciitis, patellofemoral syndrome (knee bounce), practicing this set of movements can help you! 1.

Activate gluteus maximus, cover the thigh with elastic band, and open the feet slightly wider than the shoulder; Sit with your hips down and back, keep your spine straight and look straight ahead; Practice groups 5-8.


Activate the calf muscles to stand in mountain style, with both feet close together, stand on tiptoe, and then fall.

Practice groups 5-8.


Stretch the elastic band on the back of your legs and put it on your thighs.

Do the downward dog pose.

Pay attention to your legs and try your best to stretch the back of your thighs.


Strengthen the core and stability (rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis) elastic band, put it on the thigh, bend your knees and stand on the ground, enter the inclined plate, and maintain 5-8 breaths.


Strengthen the core and stability (oblique abdominal muscle) directly transition from oblique plate to lateral plate, tighten the core, maintain body balance, maintain 5-8 breaths, and change to the other side.


Stretch the hip elastic belt over the thigh, make a bridge, and pay attention to the confrontation between the legs and hips and the elastic belt in the pose.


Strengthen the hip abductor group to lie on the side, keep the legs together, cover the thigh with elastic band, slightly bend the knees, exhale, open the right leg to fight against the elastic band, and dynamically practice 5-8 groups, and change to the other side.


Relieve shoulder and neck discomfort (strengthen hip muscles) lie on your stomach, keep your legs together and straight, extend your arms forward, lift one leg up, and lift the other arm up at the same time, keep 3-5 breaths, change the other leg, and dynamically practice 3-5 groups.


Stretch the quadriceps on your back, put the Yoga brick on the sacrum, straighten your legs, hook your toes back, lift your left knee close to your abdomen, extend and press your right leg hard, keep 3-5 breaths, change the other side, and repeat the practice for 5-8 groups.


Stretch the thigh adductor on your back, bend your knees, put your right foot on your left thigh, lift your left leg close to your abdomen, keep 3-5 breaths, and change the other side.


Relax your pelvis and legs, lie on your side, put a yoga brick on your head, put a pillow between your legs, close your eyes, completely relax for 3-5 minutes, and change the other side.

The human body is equivalent to a precise instrument.

Any problem anywhere will affect other positions, resulting in body imbalance.

If the pelvis tilts, it will cause damage to the spine and legs.

For your own health, keep practicing every day, straighten your pelvis and give you a healthy body! The contents of the official account indicate that the copyright is owned by all the original sources (which can not verify the copyright or do not indicate the source)..

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