New Yoga Life

The secret of morning yoga! (with morning yoga pose)

Check Yoga knowledge every day and say that the plan of the day lies in the morning.

Everyone knows that the benefits of morning yoga can not only improve physical stiffness, but also bring full vitality throughout the day.

But the problem comes.

Why can’t you get up when the alarm clock rings in the morning? In fact, it is very important to adhere to the sense of Yoga ritual in morning exercise.

Let’s share some tips for the formation of morning exercise, hoping to help you! 1.

Do a good job of time and practice planning, plan tomorrow’s practice plan in advance, and prepare the yoga clothes you want to wear will make the practice of the next day easier to implement, so you can stick to the practice of getting up.


Choose a fixed place to practice and give yourself a fixed place to practice.

Practicing in the same place every day can slowly accumulate energy.

If you can, spread out the mat, The most difficult step to practice yoga is to spread out the yoga mat.


Choose a fixed time to get up and set an alarm clock.

After 21 days, you can form a biological clock.

You don’t have to worry about staying in bed anymore.

It is suggested that the alarm clock should be away from the head of the bed to effectively avoid oversleeping.

4 Sticking to punch in can stick to punching in the circle of friends.

Not only can you supervise yourself on the side, but you may also find like-minded Jia people to encourage each other and make common progress.

Here is a simple morning exercise Yoga sequence for you.

You can start with simple practice at the beginning, which is more conducive to persistence! 1.

Sit in a simple sitting position, inhale, straighten your spine, exhale upward, turn your head to the left, keep your body motionless, keep 5 breaths, restore, change the opposite side, and then bend your head to the left, repeat the practice 2.

Four corner kneeling position, four corner kneeling position, knees directly below your hips, hands directly below your shoulders, back extension, abdomen adduction, shoulders relax, eyes look ahead, 3.

Cat cow kneeling position from four corners, Inhale, look up, lift the upper chest, collapse the waist, rotate the pelvis, exhale upward, arch the back, roll the tailbone downward, pay attention to the controlled rolling of the spine section by section, cooperate with breathing, dynamically practice 10 groups of 4 heroes, bend their feet together, separate their knees slightly larger than the side waist, sit on the hips on the heels, relax their back, straighten their hands forward, drive the side waist to extend, and touch the ground with their forehead, Keep 5-8 breaths.

In the dog pose, bend forward from the hero, inhale and raise your head, hook your toes back and exhale, push your hands on the ground, push your sitting bones backward and upward, push your thigh roots backward, extend your back, relax your shoulders, straighten your knees, step your heels down, keep 5 breaths.

In the horse pose, step your right foot forward to between your hands, keep your legs vertical to the ground, keep your left knee and instep close to the ground, and put your hands on your right thigh, The hips sink, the back stands straight up, the abdomen is far away from the thighs, keep 5-8 breaths, restore, change the opposite side, 7 stand and bend forward from the downward dog pose, walk forward between the feet and the hands, slightly bend the knees, lift the hands off the ground, hug each other’s elbows, sit up and look for the ceiling, naturally relax the back, lift up the groin, keep 5-8 breaths, 8 magic chair pose, bend the hips and knees from the standing forward, inhale, lift the arms, exhale, bend the hips and knees, Enter the magic chair pose with the hips backward and downward, lift the palms of both hands relative to the chest, relax the shoulders, keep 5-8 breaths in front of your eyes, and inhale to restore the mountain pose (picture and text source network, if involving the rights and interests of the original author, please contact Xiaobian to delete)..

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