New Yoga Life

Yoga asana 15: King of dance

The knee joint flexed


The English name is king of the dances, the Sanskrit name is natarajasanan, nata means dancer, Raja means king


With the left arm up and back, grasp the ankle or instep and toes








If the balance ability is weak in the early stage, you can use the wall to practice


(3) With the help of yoga chair practice, standing leg strength is relatively weak, you can use yoga chair practice 6, the effect of dance king style, dance king style practice can effectively improve the body’s balance ability, strengthen the leg strength, expand the chest, spine back to get full extension, help to strengthen the elasticity of the spine


The practice steps of Wuwang style: stand in mountain style, point your right foot on the ground, move your body weight slightly to the left, bend your right knee, extend your right arm forward, open it upward and backward, hold your right ankle or instep and toes from the inside of your right foot with your right hand, extend your left hand forward, and slowly lift your right leg upward


Teacher wechat can long press the figure below to identify the QR code, add a point in the lower left corner to select yoga products.


Figure 4


Anatomical figure of Wuwang style: spine extension, upper limb scapula lifting, abduction, shoulder flexion, adduction and abduction; lower limb hip flexion, knee neutral extension


Back leg against the wall or front arm against the wall, can be


Dancing king is one of the best yoga postures


Auxiliary practice methods of Wuwang style: (1) Wuwang style is a balance style


You can practice this posture with the help of Yoga stretching belt


(2) With the help of Yoga stretching belt, the back bend is weak, the front thigh is not extended enough, and the hip is not extended enough


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