The 10 most popular yoga postures let the body and spirit relax during practice

Different yoga postures have different effects on the body.

Yoga postures can strengthen the blood circulation system, respiratory system, digestive system, excretory system, reproductive system, endocrine system and nervous system.

People’s body and spirit are directly related.

Yoga posture can improve people’s mental state and promote physical health.

There are many kinds of yoga postures, which can be roughly divided into seven categories: sitting posture, forward bending, backward bending, lateral bending, torsion, balance, handstand, etc.

A position of the same kind has the same or similar effect on the body.

Similarly, there are some of the most popular yoga poses, depending on the type (standing, sitting, etc.) and difficulty.

The postures listed below are a mix of various postures that are popular and often practiced in yoga classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced classes.

Let’s have a look! 1.

Lotus pose is one of the most popular postures for both beginners and advanced practitioners.

Beginners may not be able to do it right away.

They need practice to do it.

Lotus can effectively establish a stable breathing pattern.

Walking stick sitting and standing, bend the right knee, grasp the right foot, put it as close as possible to the root of the left leg, the heel of the right foot close to the navel, bend the left knee, grasp the left foot, let it as close as possible to the root of the right leg, the heel of the right foot close to the navel, turn the center of the foot upward, keep the neck and spine straight, and put both hands on the knee in the shape of wisdom fingerprints.


Downward dog pose.

Downward dog pose is mentioned in many cultures about yoga posture.

Like the lotus pose, the downward dog pose is popular among students at all levels because it effectively stretches the upper and lower body.

More specifically, it can stretch the hamstrings, lower legs, arms and back, while strengthening the arms, legs and abdomen.

Get ready to kneel at four corners, with both hands and feet shoulder width apart.

Exhale, step down on the heels of both feet, push the hips back and up, push the sciatic bone to the highest point, and the body is in an inverted “V” shape.

Straighten the knee, tighten the thigh muscles, push the ground with both hands, and make a straight line from the arm and trunk to the sciatic bone.

Relax your shoulders.

The neck, head and spine are in line.


Half King pose half King pose is one of the most popular sitting and twisting postures, which can stretch the shoulders and hips and provide energy for the spine.

Beginners should be extra careful when doing this pose, because if you don’t do it well, it may twist your back and neck at an awkward angle.

Remember to keep your back straight.

If it will cause pain or discomfort, please don’t stretch too much.

In a long sitting position, sit on the cushion surface, bend the right knee, pass the left foot through the right knee and put it on the right side of the hip.

The heel is close to the hip, put the left foot on the outside of the left thigh, step on the pad surface with the sole of the foot, and stand upright with the spine upward.

Raise your hands horizontally, twist your body to the right, put your right hand on the back of your body, and fight with your left hand on the outside of your right thigh.

Keep breathing a few times and Practice on the other side.


Head to knee flexion extension, which is one of the common flexion postures.

This position can not only stretch the shoulders, back, spine and hamstrings, but also help relieve menstrual discomfort and headache.

Enter from the walking stick pose, bend the right knee, open the right knee to the right.

Place the right foot so that the big toe of the right foot is next to the inner side of the left thigh.

Keep your left leg straight and your toes pointing to the ceiling.

Learn to distribute body weight evenly between your left and right hips, regardless of the posture of your legs.


Cobra backward bending is one of the postures we often practice.

Cobra pose is one of the most common backward bending postures.

It can stretch the spine, open the chest, firm the hips, and stretch the abdomen and shoulders.

Lie on your stomach with your hands on both sides of your chest, your fingertips facing forward, your elbows sinking backward, and your legs together.

Exhale, push your hands down on the ground, raise your head and straighten your chest, extend your spine forward and upward, open your chest, straighten your arms, retract your abdomen, extend your lumbar spine, keep your shoulders away from your ears, and put your body weight on your legs and palms.


Crow pose this pose is usually considered as the core pose of exercise.

It means that you can exercise and strengthen your core muscles while exercising your arm and leg muscles.

In addition to exercising your arms and shoulders, crow can also open your hips and groins and stretch your upper back.

Standing in mountain pose, open your feet the same width as your hips, bend your knees, squat down, put your hands in the front of your body at an appropriate distance, open your hands the same width as your shoulders, point your fingertips straight ahead, lift your hips up, slightly straighten your knees, put your knees in the position where your big arms are close to your armpits, bend your elbows, lift your heels up, move your body weight forward, and slowly lift one foot, When the body is stable, lift the other foot and enter the pose.


Shoulder handstand support shoulder handstand is an inverted posture, which belongs to the easier posture in this category.

This posture can regulate the legs, firm the hips, stretch the neck and shoulders, and stimulate the prostate and abdominal organs.

Lie on your back on the ground, put your hands on both sides of your body, bend your knees, put your feet and legs together, lift your legs up and back, touch your toes to the ground, straighten your legs, sit your bones at the highest point of your body, your hips up, extend your spine, stand your back straight, support your back with your hands and enter the plow.

Then slowly lift the right leg upward, in a straight line with the body, and then lift the left leg, close the legs together, with both feet upward and the strength of the body upward.


Trigonometry trigonometry is suitable for yoga practitioners at all levels.

It is considered to be a typical standing posture across a variety of Yoga styles.

It strengthens the knees and ankles and stretches the hamstrings, shoulders and spine.

Practicing the triangle requires a sense of balance, making sure the legs and arms are at the right angle without straining the neck.

Stand in mountain pose with feet separated by one leg long, with the left heel abducted by 45 °, and the right foot pointing to the right.

Inhale, hold your hands flat on your side, lengthen your side waist, exhale, bend your body to the right and point to the ground with your right hand..

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