New Yoga Life

Samanya Midong education and training college | yoga posture sharing – side panel

Side plank – one of hatha yoga poses, named after Indian mythological figures.

This pose is dedicated to the sage vasistha.

This pose strengthens the wrists, exercises the legs, and strengthens the waist and tailbone areas.

Step: 1 Enter the asana with the inclined plate, with the feet open at the same width as the hip and the heels pushed out backward.


Inhale and slowly place your weight on your left wrist.

When exhaling, lift your right arm up and point to the ceiling.


The outside of both feet is attached to the cushion surface, the top hip is upward, and the eyes can look between the fingers of the right hand.


Pushing the hip up and the chest open facing straight ahead can improve our core strength.


When exhaling, your right hand slowly falls back to the inclined plate, exhale, bend your knees, push your hands to the ground and stand up straight on your back.


Do the other side according to the above posture and keep it for the same time.

Efficacy: • strengthen the strength of the arms and wrists, strengthen the back muscles of the neck, relieve muscle strain and tighten the arms Adjust and strengthen the muscle group of the side waist and enhance the stability of the lumbar and abdominal core.

• Reduce the excess fat of the side waist.

For the thin side waist, the effect of practicing vest line is remarkable-  .

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