New Yoga Life

A set of Female Yoga sequence for balancing hormones, scientific anti-aging, the younger you practice!

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For health, most women may stay on the level of healthy diet and reasonable exercise, but did you know? If women want to keep healthy and look good, they must pay attention to hormone balance! Hormone, which can be understood as “hormone”, is an important substance to regulate the normal activities of the body.

It will affect the growth, development and mood of the human body.

It is also an important substance to maintain the balanced operation of various organs.

Once the hormone is out of balance, the body will become diseased.

Hormonal disorders may lead to: 1.

Weight gain or loss 2.

Muscle mass loss 3.

Dark yellow skin, dryness 4.

Lack of energy, anxiety or depression.

According to scientific research, yoga is a more effective exercise to balance hormones.

You must collect this yoga sequence today! 1.

Ferris from mountain pose to skyscraper exhale, tighten the core, perineum and keep your feet off the ground, keep your palms upward for 5-8 breaths, return to mountain pose 2.

Stand with your hands grasping your toes, twist your toes, enter standing with your hands grasping your toes and exhale from mountain pose, tighten the core, bend your right leg, lift your hip upward, lift your left hand grasping the outside of your right ankle, extend your spine and exhale, twist to the right and stay for 5-8 breaths, Change the other side 3.

Enter the warrior pose 3.

The left leg supports the ground, the right leg lifts back and the core is tightened to keep the pelvis stable and stay for 5-8 breaths.

Change the other side 4.

Enter the double angle pose, inhale with one leg apart, extend the spine and exhale, bend forward and stay down for 5-8 breaths.


Maintain the double angle pose with the left hand supporting the brick and exhale, Tighten the core, open the right hand upward, twist the chest and stay for 5-8 breaths, and change the other side.


Enter the downward dog type and adjust the downward dog type for 5-8 breaths.


Enter the inclined plate type to maintain the core, tighten the gluteal muscles and stay for 5 breaths.


Enter the side plate type, hold the right hand on the ground, exhale from the right side of the body, tighten the core, and stretch the right hand to the side for 3-5 breaths, and change the other side.

9 Sit up twist into sit up twist inhale, bend your right leg knee, exhale with your heel close to your hip, bend your elbow around your right leg, buckle your hands, exhale, twist to the left, stay for 5-8 breaths, change the other side 10.

Sit up head to knee into sit up head to knee, bend your right leg knee, keep your heel close to the perineum, straighten your left leg, hook your toes back to inhale, and extend your spine to exhale, The right sitting bone is downward, the body is bent to the left side for 5-8 breaths, and the other side is changed.


Lie on your back, lift your legs, exhale with a yoga brick under your tailbone, tighten the core, and keep your legs 90 degrees from the ground for 8-10 breaths.


Relax on your back, put a yoga pillow under your back, relax your shoulders naturally, cover your eyes, relax your body and mind, and stay for 3-5 minutes, Is the best anti-aging method! The contents of the official account indicate that the copyright is owned by all the original sources (which can not verify the copyright or do not indicate the source)..

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