New Yoga Life

Yogi’s theory of earth, Ke Ju PI Xun, Volume 84

Maitreya Bodhisattva said that the monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty was instructed to translate Han qingjingke’s records of taking pictures of different sects: Wusi, the fourth Huinan 2 Jiyi, Huinan 2 Jiyi, and Huinan 3 Renyi.

Huinan said: three kinds of desires to invite the help of the Dharma monk, so it is disgusted with the impermanence of the Buddhist will to gather foam.

Second, the long line of different interpretations 9 Geng 1, the three differences of desires 2 Xinyi, the three kinds of annotation 3 Renyi There are four kinds of reversal accidents, namely, the reversal of the declaration of various desires and the reversal of the declaration of various desires.

[therefore, there are four kinds of reversal accidents: that is, those desires are the accidents on which the four reversal depends.] Kui II.

Interpretation inversion should know that there is no self due to emptiness, uncleanness due to falsehood, and bitterness due to falsehood.

Because it is a pleasure, it is not a reality.


Name delusion, etc.

2 gui1.

Speaking of name delusion, however, all desires seem to appear constantly.

Speaking of name delusion, reversing accidents.

Why are all desires called false Dharma? In order to show this meaning, it is said that illusory things are metaphorical.

Although it is very equal, it seems to appear, so it is the same as that method.


Those who deceive the fool and those who deceive the fool are called ignorant fools.

It is better to know their desires than to know them.

Therefore, they are constantly deceived and deeply infected in the long night and are forced by the deterioration and suffering; Those who are wise may as well know the truth.

Rensan, a metaphor for suffering from 8 Kuyi, a metaphor for withered bones and other desires, a metaphor for withered bones, so that there is no reason to be full.

Guier and yuduan meat have many reasons in common.

[multiple common causes: it is said that it is the common cause of many, so righteousness can be taken by him.

Jane is not different, so it is said.] Guisan, the person who is likened to a straw torch is an illegal or evil act for some reason.

Guisi, a metaphor for a point of carbon, a metaphor for a point of carbon, increases the desire to love, so it is very hot and angry.

Guiwu is a metaphor for the great viper, which is far away from the sages.

Kui VI.

Yu Meng gains, Yu Meng gains, and quickly dissipates bad reasons.

Kui VII.

If the metaphor borrows solemn utensils, it depends on the public.

Kuiba refers to the ripe fruit at the end of the tree.

It refers to the ripe fruit at the end of the tree, so it is in danger.

Xin 2.

Unclean synonym 2.

Ren 1.

The general sentence is the general sentence if it is unclean.

Don’t say that those who are smelly and filthy will become bad by eating.

It’s made of dirty excrement and urine, so it’s called smelly place.

It’s made by the deterioration of meat and blood, so it’s called stinky.

Those who are disgusted with disobedience are formed by the deterioration of lust, which is abhorrent of disobedience.

Geng II.

Postpone the difference 3 Xin I.

postpone the invitation 2 Ren I.

go out again.

Those who should postpone the invitation will give up Shicai.

Those who should be invited are greedy.

Ren II.

The release is delayed because of the desire for fruit and reward.

Desire for liberation, so please.

Xin 2.

Those who should join hands and respect should join hands, that is, they postpone the time for two things.

Those who should be respectful should set up worship and inquiry, so they should be able to see the same reason with their precepts.

Xin 3.

The supreme blessing field world should be given.

Those who should be given in the supreme blessing field world will benefit and give countless fruits.

Geng III.

difference between methods 4 Xin I.

teaching method 2 Ren I.

good speaking and repetition.

Good speaker has ingenious text and meaning.

If you see what you see, you can prove it in the current law.

Xin 2.

Syndrome method photography 2.

Ren 1.

Eliminate the meaning and synonym 6.

GUI 1.

Those without heat and without heat are away from trouble.

Kui II, who has no time and no time, gives three worldly sophistication.

Guisan, difficult to lead, old illness and death can not lead to reason.


Those who are difficult to see are invisible in the interests of heaven.

Guiwu, internal self evidence 2, Ziyi, Jian Yisheng, internal self evidence, only believe him, etc.

Zi 2.

Those who are saintly and wise are called learning without learning.

Guiliu, for the house, for the continent, for the house, for the continent, for salvation, for return and for fun, the former sentence is interpreted from the latter sentence, showing a departure from the meaning.

[those who give up their names for the continent: the collective theory says: Why did they destroy and restore their homes? The accident on which they are innocent and happy? Why did they destroy and restore their names? The three worlds are isolated.

Why did they destroy and restore their names? They can cover all great hardships and disasters.

Why did they destroy and restore their names? There is no reason why they are convenient for happiness.

Why do they destroy scenic spots? They can be the reason on which all the most sacred nature can be restored.

(Volume 5, page 14, set theory 31682a) you should know the different meanings.

Today’s saying is interpreted from the latter sentence to the former sentence, and the meaning shows that it should be known step by step.] Ren2.

The meaning of Tao gradually 2.


The name Zhengjian can know the four holy truths.

Therefore, it is called Zhengjian.


Explain the gradual phase 4.


Those who arise from words such as birth can be born at all times.

Those who have been born have no degree in the past.

Those who rise in this life have been proved or perfected in this life.

Those who are born, or do not have a certificate, or study hard.

Second, those who should practice, should practice, and should practice more should do what they want, as they should know before.

[those who should practice and practice: as mentioned earlier, if they practice, they will learn from each other.

If they practice, they will learn from each other.

If they practice more, they will learn from others.

If they practice more, they will learn from what they know and become interested.

If they practice more, they will learn from each other.

If they practice more, they will learn from each other in a long time.

(Volume 83, page 6338) Therefore, when we know the other, we have different meanings.

If you want to do something different, you can do whatever you want Third, we should protect those who should be protected and stay away from the falling method.

Son 4.

The person who should be touched should testify, and the person who should be touched should be caused by the body.

Those who should testify, or fruit, or wisdom, such as: I have testified.

Xin 3.

Saying 10 Ren 1.

Say it according to the time.

Those who say it according to the time can only say it if they know that they are willing to be happy and want to hear it and can hear it.

Sitting in a humble seat and so on is the name of time.

[those who sit in a low seat: Bodhisattva said that when Bodhisattva said the right Dharma phase, it should be based on the time.

It is said that they should speak for him when they are as peaceful as the instrument of Dharma power, not when they are restless as the instrument of Dharma power.

They should not speak the right Dharma for those who are in a high seat without disease, not for those who sit in a low seat, not for those who are in the front, and not for those who cover their heads.

(Volume 38, page 16, 3151) this should be known accurately.] We should say what we did first.

[preface to the previous Author: it is said that being good at saying the right Dharma means that you can be good at proclaiming the non inverted speech made at the beginning from time to time.

The so-called theory of giving advice, precepts and giving birth to heaven.

In all desires, you can widely reveal the suffering and get rid of the pure Dharma.

(Volume 25, page 4, 2085) this should be interpreted..

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