New Yoga Life

Yoga warm-up for 10 minutes to help you stretch your limbs and stay away from “Yoga disease”!

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The weather is cold, and the body’s musculoskeletal joints are like dry branches, which are particularly vulnerable to injury.

In particular, inexperienced Yoga people will be injured if they are not careful, and one of the reasons for the greatest probability of injury is not warming up before yoga.

In fact, no matter in any season, pre Yoga warm-up is very important.

Today I recommend a set of overall warm-up yoga pose sequence.

This group of warm-up sequence is composed of some yoga postures that we often practice.

It can be practiced in every part of the body.

It can not only warm up, but also help you lay the foundation for difficult postures.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Let’s have a look! 1.

Roll the pelvis, lie on your back on the cushion surface, keep your feet close to your hips, separate them with the same width as your shoulders, inhale and extend your spine, exhale and roll the pelvis upward.

Pay attention to that the pelvis is not lifted off the cushion surface when rolling.

Repeat the exercise for 5-8 groups, and your abdomen will get slightly hot.


Lie on your back, raise your legs on your back, keep your legs with the same width as your shoulders, lift your left leg upward, then lift your right leg upward, and then slowly put them down.

Pay attention to the tightening of your legs, Don’t lift the hips away from the cushion surface.

Repeat the exercise.

In groups 5-8, both legs and abdominal core can practice 3 needle eye supine, bend both knees, put the right ankle on the left thigh, hold the back of the left thigh with both hands, slowly pull the legs to the body and keep 3-5 breaths, repeat the exercise on the other side.

In groups 3-5, warm up the hip abductor group 4, simply sit in the neck, simply sit in the center of the cushion surface, and lower the head first when the spine is extended, Then slowly raise your head, lengthen the front of the neck, stretch the right neck to the left, stretch the left neck to the right, and repeat the exercise for 5-8 groups.

Pay attention to the controlled exercise.

The neck is not completely relaxed.


Simply sit with arms wrapped.

Simply sit with hands flat on the side, with the left hand up and the right hand down.

Wrap the arms of both hands, pay attention to the extension of the neck parallel to the ground, and keep 5-8 breaths, Change the other side to practice 3-5 groups, warm up the shoulder 6 sitting posture, bend forward + twist simple sitting, inhale the spine to extend, exhale, twist the body to the right, keep 3-5 breaths to the left, keep 3-5 breaths to inhale and extend again, exhale the body forward and downward, repeat practice 3-5 groups, flexible spine 7 cat cow four corner kneeling posture, inhale on the cushion surface, raise your head and raise your chest, Exhale with chest arch back.

Pay attention to the extension of the spine section by section.

Repeat the exercise for 5-8 groups, 8 times of flexible spine, dog four corner kneeling position on the cushion surface, lift the hip up, step down with both feet, tighten and straighten the legs, and keep the head on the extension line of the spine, Keep 5-8 breaths.

Pay attention not to press the weight of the body on the wrist in front of the body.

Practice 3-5 groups of 9 baby kneeling on the cushion.

The knees open slightly larger than the hips, inhale and extend the spine, exhale the body forward and downward for 3-5 breaths.

Pay attention to continue to extend the spine for 3-5 times.

10 goddess feet open more than the distance between hips, toes facing out, hands folded on the chest to exhale, body down, legs 90 degrees, keep 3-5 breaths, and then repeat the practice for 3-5 groups.

Be careful not to collapse your waist and raise your hips.

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