How to avoid injury in yoga class? These four points must be known!

On the way of yoga, you either focus on yoga or focus on yoga.

It seems that everyone who practices yoga has some stories about his knees, shoulders or sacrum.

However, being injured in yoga class means that your practice is not in the right position, or your body is not ready for some postures.

Today’s four suggestions are for all yoga people.

4 suggestions to avoid Yoga injury 1 Don’t exceed your limit.

How do you know you’ve exceeded your limit? When you need to open your mouth to breathe, you should breathe through your nose when practicing yoga asanas.

When your limbs tremble uncontrollably, it means you can’t focus on posture and breathing.

At this time, you need to slow down and take a step back, or you will exceed your physical limit.

Another sign of exceeding the limit is that your body is beginning to numb (or numb).

Joint pain is also a sign.

Close absolutely and never let your joints ache, as do other parts.


Learning positive Yoga of one’s own body is personalized.

Asana itself has no real positive position, and the human body has positive position.

Maybe it’s positive for some people’s bodies, but it’s not necessarily for you.

Limited range of motion of joints and muscles, or psychological and emotional limitations, all of which should be taken into account to be the positive position of your body.


Don’t go to courses higher than your ability.

Generally, the courses in the yoga studio have clearly marked course grades.

But some people don’t watch this, just come to class when they are free.

Some students will overestimate their physical ability and take some courses that are too advanced for them.


Find a yoga teacher, not one who can only read the password.

Many teachers are not teaching, but just reading the password, and the two are very different.

Some teachers are concerned about students, but they don’t know how to observe them and how to get them back to the right position emotionally, psychologically and physically.

Everyone’s positive position is different, so the password in Yoga also needs to be adjusted to local conditions.

Of course, it’s also excellent to learn some yoga knowledge on the way of yoga every day…

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