Training | yoga is divided into external practice and internal practice. Which stage are you in?

Yoga reading notes | yoga training notes | yoga practice insights | stories of Yoga people | yoga and Life | workplace stories | I don’t know when the word yoga eight has been deeply imprinted in my mind.

Although I can recite fluently from memory, I still need to think about it, but I know that this is the essence of yoga, and the essence of yoga, too.


If we can recall these eight from time to time, it will be a good guide for the road of yoga.

In the seminar, Mr.

Mohan said that the first five of the eight branches of yoga are external practice and the last five are internal practice.

This is the first time I have heard such a division.

Of course, it may also be my lack of talent and learning.

I understand that yoga is a journey of inward exploration, so I will pay more attention to the feeling level.

In asana practice, in addition to the appearance of the external asana, I will pay more attention to the feeling of the body.

As for whether I can do the difficult asana and what impact those asanas have on my body, it is not so important to me.

Perhaps, this comes from my childhood cognition.

Although external beauty is important, it is only a temporary bloom.

It is not as eternal as internal beauty.

Moreover, internal beauty may be displayed in the form of external beauty.


Mohan mentioned that in the yoga studio, many students will run to the mirror to observe their changes after practicing postures.

Just like people who exercise in the gym, they don’t often look in the mirror to check whether their muscles are rising and whether their fat has become less.

The topic of talking with others basically revolves around their body.

I don’t have such obsession.

What if I have a good figure? Can one feel happiness? When dealing with things, will one become more calm and elegant? The answer is no, because there is no necessary connection between them.

But real yoga is different.

If we practice it right, we can live calmly.

Happiness, calmness and elegance are just within reach.

According to Mr.

Mohan’s explanation, the first five branches of yoga are precept making, internal making, asana, breath control method and sense making.

These are related to external cleaning.

They are called external practice because outsiders can judge how well they practice.

Precepts, the rules for us to get along with others, can be seen by outsiders at a glance; Internal system, about our internal cultivation, if a person’s cultivation is improved, outsiders will easily feel it; Asana, mistaken by many people as the whole of yoga, will naturally be pointed out by outsiders; Breath control method, although it is related to subtle energy, teachers can easily distinguish right from wrong in practice; Sensory control refers to sensory retraction, which is a little difficult.

My superficial understanding is that, for example, the eye closing technique is a way to make sensory retraction.

Whether we practice it correctly, the teacher can still see that many times we take the initiative to close our eyes, but in fact, we should let the upper eyelid relax, slowly droop down and coincide with the lower eyelid.

The latter three branches are concentration (Master), meditation and Samadhi.

These are internal exercises, which represent that outsiders cannot judge.

When we close our eyes, only ourselves know where we have gone.

We can only rely on ourselves.

At the same time, the influence and effect of internal practice will also vary from person to person.

How subtle a person’s concentration and awareness is, outsiders can’t check it.

Only their own clarity and how deep they can go determine a personalized journey.

From the end of the third session of the seminar, I will practice meditation regularly.

The time of each day is not fixed.

At least let myself sit down and be quiet for a while.

I have to say, this trip is really colorful.

Sometimes, I feel good and want to sit more, but I have to come out because of temporary things; Sometimes, when you have plenty of time and want to settle down, you can’t sit still.

Inexplicably, your heart will be very chaotic and can’t settle down; Another time, I followed the public welfare teacher’s command and meditated on my back.

Suddenly, I couldn’t lie down.

My legs couldn’t be stretched straight.

I could only bend one leg.

Later, I felt that someone had knocked on my head.

It was magical…

Indeed, as Mr.

Mohan said, when looking inside, there was no external mirror to help us.

Only my own feelings were the most important, Everyone has his own way to go.

After all, everyone has accumulated different industry marks, which are often deeply buried in the bottom of his heart.

The cleaning and washing of the marks of past industries can only be felt and cleared little by little through internal practice.

Note: for those who have understood the philosophy of yoga, the imprint of yoga is not difficult to understand, but for the public, I have not thought of how to explain it clearly in simple language.

I will organize the language later.

Click “watching” (in the lower right corner of the page), let’s accompany yoga, face everything calmly and gracefully, and continue to move forward through the wind and waves! Welcome to pay attention.

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