New Yoga Life

The fitness exercise that can make you grow tall — heightening Yoga

In short, for people living under gravity, bones and cartilage between joints are compressed


If you are going to choose a sport as your own way of fitness, try heightening yoga


If you check the above principle, there is no doubt


It is safe and healthy to achieve the purpose of body height through heightening Yoga compared with heightening surgery


It’s not that the bone grows longer, but it’s really higher


As the role of adults does not involve development, so under the age of 40 can be pure increase for the purpose of practice


More than that, at the same time, your figure will be more standard, your posture will be better, and your whole person will be full of confidence


Heightening yoga is easy and can meet all your other fitness needs


After a period of practice, it will help to restore the best height It’s 3-6cm higher than before


It is conceivable to choose a set of stretching yoga postures Knowing the effect is also the best way to increase exercise


Few people can consciously find and choose these postures to combine with yoga breathing and meditation practice


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It’s easy to lose weight.


This is the reason why some yoga movements can make people higher, but the yoga postures that have positive effects on height increase only account for less than 0.01% of the total postures


Therefore, it is necessary to correctly understand and choose the yoga postures for height increase, and don’t practice casually! In fact, knowing the above content, it is very important It’s very basic and true to understand the principle of exercise heightening


As the best extension effect of heightening yoga, the effect of heightening can be said to be the best


However, pure external force has risks and cannot be maintained


Of course, the best height under the condition of natural weightlessness can not be maintained for a long time


Of course, there are other hidden heights and abnormal bending of the body


For those who have doubts about exercise heightening, they all think that it is “can exercise make adults grow again”


Heightening Yoga: fitness exercise that can make you grow tall


Longitudinal movement helps to restore the compressed height


Exercise is one of the most important factors affecting the height


Another proof that there is room for physical growth for adults is that astronauts will increase after they go to space


Only by relying on exercise can we maintain the height for a long time


It is still necessary to strengthen muscles and ligaments through exercise, so that the effect is not easy to rebound


Of course, if you are still in the development stage, then vertical exercise can promote growth and heightening at the same time, and the total effect will be better


And yoga is also the most suitable exercise at home, a person can stretch out the space can practice, and yoga posture in place, is to do the maximum position, rely on their own feeling judgment, rather than the judgment of the coach, is very suitable for self-study


Specific sports can exercise these muscles and ligaments that affect the bone space, enhance the control of bone space, and achieve the purpose of height


Pelvis and hip bones are also compressed and hidden for legs


All extensometers can make people 3 cm higher in a short time, which indicates that the human body has the space to stretch and increase


Yoga should be the best and most systematic exercise for bones at present


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