New Yoga Life

Yoga introduction basic movements | 5 simple dynamic exercises to enhance the core effect!

Yoga introduction basic movements | 5 simple dynamic exercises to enhance the core effect! There are many ways to enhance the core.

You shouldn’t have tried the five dynamic exercises recommended today! 1.

Dynamic cat cow stretch (knee off the ground) come to the four legged bench, inhale and extend the chest, breathe, bow your head and back, and repeat 10 times 2 Elbow support: move one hand forward to the elbow support, then straighten your left hand forward, keep breathing with your fingertips for 10 times, and change sides for 3 In the sliding peak pose, first come to the inclined plate, put your hands on the yoga mat, step your feet on the towel and exhale, slide your feet, retract your abdomen, and drive the towel forward for 10 times.

4 Supine beam angle curling abdominal supine beam angle, open both hands, lift the upper back with the palm facing upward, and touch the knee of the side with the left and right hands in turn.

Repeat for 20 times 5 The locust lay down, raised his chin and chest, palms of his hands upward, straightened his hands and kept breathing for 10 times, and then clasped his hands with ten fingers to keep breathing for 10 times.

The fat man didn’t eat in one bite, and the core didn’t practice in a day.

Yoga is not expensive, but persistence.

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