New Yoga Life

Xinshe yoga | Kundalini Yoga meditation, let the mind return to peace

Calm down, floating during the day, precipitation, meditation, meeting your most beautiful breath…

There is a sea in my heart…

Quiet and far-reaching.

You can see the arc thrown in by a stone, halo the ripples, and hear the sound of slight water spray.

This sea is in my heart.

The improvement of life quality needs to be integrated into art.

Art is a language without borders.

Music and other arts are also the media that lead people to touch spirituality, so as to open the door of spirituality and make life so beautiful.

Therefore, spirituality and art create the beauty of life.

This is the hymn of the Supreme Lord, the most powerful image of the song of praise of free time, the sound is warm, generous and infinitely beautiful! Thanksgiving meets a thought and suddenly realizes that the real beauty is to live alone in the present and to taste the flow of life energy driven by music.

At this moment, there is no one outside, only yourself.

Let me learn: listen – command the ear to focus, in order to hear the inner perception; Let me understand: listen – Hui listen – aware Vientiane identification QR code, get courses – VIP Member Services – New Year activities, only 99.9 yuan – limited to seven days of top meditation healing + meditation courses + listen freely throughout the year + enter the meditation resource group to identify QR code, get membership rights immediately, open VIP members, and you can enjoy all columns and courses on the current page, which is valid for one year from the date of purchase.

The official guide price of VIP members is 199, and the current price is 99.9.

The products continue to increase, and the price will be adjusted from time to time, only rising but not falling! Forward and share this page, successfully invite friends, and immediately get up to 40% of the reward, benefit people and yourself, and grow together! Both beginners and great gods are welcome to share, communicate and practice punching ~.

Join the meditation growth resource sharing group for free.

For those who want to love well, please add wechat: endian10215, meet friends with music, convey the most quiet lifestyle, and invite you to listen to the friends group ◎ operated by Shanghai yinyueran Culture Communication Co., Ltd.


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