New Yoga Life

It’s great to get up early and stretch your body and mind with a set of 20 minute morning yoga!

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I go to bed very early every night, but I always feel heavy and tired when I get up in the morning.

How is it that I always want to stay in bed? First, it’s actually related to the climate.

When summer comes, the weather is sometimes muggy, and there will be this feeling when the moisture in the human body is heavy.

Second, the quality of sleep is not high.

During sleep, you spend more time in light sleep.

It is suggested that you can properly practice some yoga postures to relax your body and mind before going to bed.

In addition to the above two points, Xiaobian suggested that don’t stay in bed when you wake up in the morning and spend 20 minutes practicing yoga, which can not only quickly wake up the rigid body, but also improve the body energy.

When the energy is increased, people will naturally lose their spirit! Today, I recommend a set of morning exercise sequence for you to collect and move quickly! 1 cat cow pose with both hands and knees on the ground, enter cat cow pose, inhale and raise your head, extend your spine, exhale upward and lower your head, including chest arch and back core, tighten dynamic practice for 8-10 times, 2 lower dog pose, withdraw from cat cow pose, enter lower dog pose, keep your shoulders away from your ears, extend and adjust your spine for 5-8 breaths, 3 stand forward flexion, withdraw from lower dog pose, and slowly move your legs forward into standing forward flexion, Keep your knees slightly bent for 3-5 breaths, 4 half pigeon pose from standing forward to half pigeon pose, straighten your hips and inhale, bend your upper body forward and down, bend down and stay close to the ground for 5-8 breaths, then change to the other side, 5 Bridge exit from half pigeon pose, enter the bridge knee vertical heel, tighten the pubic bone and lift up the core for 5-8 breaths, 6 lie on your back, lift your legs and lie on your back on the pad, The core is tightened, the legs are straight up and 90 degrees to the ground, the core is tightened, the shoulders are relaxed and stay for 5-8 breaths, 7 lie on the back with feet tied on the pad, the legs are bent, the soles of the feet are slightly retracted relative to the core, the waist and back are close to the ground, the shoulders are relaxed and stay for 3 minutes, set yourself a morning exercise punch in goal, urge yourself, try to stick to it for a month and see what changes there are! The contents of the official account indicate that the copyright is owned by all the original sources (which can not verify the copyright or do not indicate the source)..

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