New Yoga Life

Yoga asana is not to look good, but also has a deeper connotation!

Many times, we have heard yoga teachers say that the practice of asana should not only remain on the surface, but go deep into the inside and feel the internal power contained in the asana…

In fact, most people who come into contact with yoga for the first time think that yoga is just a few moves and stretching…

However, the practice of yoga asana is not for beauty, It also has a deeper connotation! 01 yoga asana is a whole process.

Many people’s understanding of yoga asana is all kinds of strange actions.

In fact, yoga asana itself is a system and a whole, and it is a practice method existing in the body and mind.

All Yoga asanas are a whole, which requires the participation of the front, back, left, right, inside and outside of the body.

It is not a single practice of a certain part, but each part needs to play a specific role.

When you think a yoga pose is difficult to do, it is not because there is a problem in one part, but because there is a problem in the whole.

Yoga asana needs to mobilize every muscle and bone, not swing.

It needs to cooperate with breathing, melt all the details into the unity of exhaling and breathing, and integrate into the body.

02 yoga postures do not consume energy, but produce energy.

Yoga postures seem to be actions.

In fact, they are the cultivation of energy, the generation and flow of energy.

Look at those flowing and effortless yoga poses.

In fact, they are a manifestation of internal energy, and the body is flowing with the energy.

The practice of yoga poses allows us to find awareness, body awareness, breathing awareness and consciousness.

This process is the process of energy generation.

Yoga posture purifies the body and mind and balances the inside and outside, so that we can have full vitality and full mental state, gather scattered energy, and we can awaken the energy of life.

03 yoga asana is a healing process.

The most fundamental effect of yoga asana is healing and purification.

On the road of yoga, physical disease is the first obstacle.

Yoga asana is the process of coordinating the overall function of the body, balancing and purifying the body system.

Yoga asana is not a simple muscle and bone movement, but a healing organic movement.

Yoga asanas seem to be external body movements.

In fact, behind each asana, there is a deep meaning.

It may focus on the visceral system, enhance the vitality of liver, lung, intestine, stomach and kidney, or improve the digestive system and internal digestive cycle.

04 yoga asana is a multi-level movement.

The balance, awareness and coordination of body and mind are the charm of yoga.

Yoga asana pays more attention to meditation in dynamics to find the unity of body and mind.

At the physiological level, yoga posture combined with breathing can well adjust body functions, strengthen joints and flexibility, promote blood circulation, improve heart function and blood pressure regulation; Yoga asana can also affect the brain and nervous system, improve sleep and digestive system.

At the psychological level, yoga asana can reduce stress, relieve mental tension and fatigue, regulate emotions, and find internal and external peace and balance.

Inner pleasure and satisfaction are also of great help to physical health.

The practice of yoga asana needs the participation of heart and intelligence, not just the pursuit of skills and difficulty.

When you practice hard, you will find that each individual style needs the joint participation of body and mind, needs to activate the dynamic in the static, and seeks the static in the dynamic.

The practice of yoga asana should focus and meditate.

Only with the continuous in-depth practice can we explore the mystery of yoga asana and find the peace of mind…

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