New Yoga Life

Healing and recovery of yoga practice pain

Click “Ashtanga Yoga road” above to subscribe! The pain of yoga practice is almost an unclear issue.

I wrote an article before (poke here to see the gift of pain).

In fact, this content is not about pain, but uses pain as the background to share my feelings of inward exploration in the adversity of yoga practice.

However, I didn’t expect the message area to explode.

Many people shared their experience of Yoga pain.

Of course, some people commented that so many people were hurt.

It’s speechless to practice yoga I should be hurt.

You see, I’ve never been hurt I’m not here for that side today, because the problem of pain in yoga practice is very complex.

Most yoga practitioners may experience this or that pain; But the reasons may be completely different: for example, some people practice fake yoga and get hurt because they don’t get good teachers’ guidance; Some people are even directly hurt by fake teachers, practicing actions that hurt people, or being directly hurt by the adjustment of the teacher’s hard work and heavy pressure; Some people have old injuries before.

They don’t know how to treat them in sequence in practice.

Instead, they use the opposite action method of aggravating injuries in sequence.

They boast and fork, and the old injuries are committed; Some people have problems with their movement habits in daily life.

For example, they habitually tilt their pelvis forward.

When practicing yoga, this habit has not been corrected.

Instead, it is reflected in postures in a more exaggerated form.

One day, the amount of accumulated damage from daily life movements changes to a qualitative change point, and they can’t lower down; Others have no physical problems at all, but still feel pain, or the pain is just a psychological feeling The above are just a few examples.

Many people have the above or several other situations at the same time, so many people are injured in yoga practice.

I want to say that it is not very appropriate to say that it is a normal situation.

I just want to say that what should happen will happen.

For a person, it is life, karma, or karma to some extent Some people say that I’ve never had any pain in practicing yoga.

Of course, this can also be, but you can’t burst out because of the heart of the virgin bitch.

You’ve never had any pain in practicing yoga today.

It doesn’t necessarily mean that you practice yoga more to more cattle, or that you won’t encounter any pain tomorrow and in the future, or in your old age; People are different, karma is different, life circumstances are different We can’t compare who is painful, and conversely, we can’t compare who is not painful.

Others may not understand yoga.

They generally comment from the air to the ground: Oh, look, look, those who practice yoga So many injured; Don’t practice.

Choose other fitness.

Yoga is not very safe by visual inspection.

This statement is also basically based on ignorance of yoga practice.

For example, as I said in the previous paragraph, the problem of old injuries and the habit of physical alignment in life can not be solved without practicing yoga.

On the contrary, if you practice yoga properly, you can heal and even cure the problems caused by these physical movement habits, at least correct these problems so that they do not aggravate the wrong movement habits of the body; These wrong body movement habits, or old injuries, if a person chooses other sports and fitness projects, it is also very likely to explode into pain one day, or even more serious; Or lurking in your old body, the explosion has become a big problem affecting the quality of life.

Well, with these thoughts, let’s return to the theme of this article: the recovery of Yoga pain.

To be clear in advance: the following views are not strictly doctors’ suggestions, but based on the personal experience of myself and some other yoga practitioners, most of whom are Ashtanga Yoga practitioners.

These statements can not replace the opinions of doctors.

They are just the experience sharing of Yoga people by yoga people.

They are only recommended for reference.

First of all, the pain of Yoga should not be healed for a long time.

Generally, these injuries should not last for more than a year or even several years.

The body has a strong and artifact self-healing ability.

Even if you don’t do any medical treatment, most of the injuries in yoga can be cured and disappear by the body itself.

The recovery time of general sports injury is 3-6 weeks.

If it is more serious, it may be about 3 months; Especially serious, it may be up to six months.

If your pain hasn’t healed after a long time, more than a year, you should pay attention to the following situations: whether you haven’t given the opportunity and time for the pain to heal itself, whether you haven’t solved the root cause of the pain: whether the wrong exercise mode is that you don’t know that your body may have no problems, But the brain still thinks there is a problem.

Let’s take a look at these possible situations: “there is the most common pain in the opportunity and time of self-healing, which is called” forget the pain when the scar is good.

” -A problem many people often make is a painful place, just a little better; It’s capricious again.

When I see everyone go down in the classroom, I’m excited.

Well, just after 90% of the body has been healed, I’ll start again.

This seems to be a good solution, but what we all know is not necessarily so easy to do; Most of us do not necessarily have such awareness most of the time.

In fact, yoga can’t hurt anyone.

Only you can hurt yourself.

So when you feel there is something wrong with a part of your body, you must be very alert; Give the body 6 weeks to heal itself.

Be careful, be careful, be careful again; Within 6 weeks, use 67% of the ability of this part to participate in asana.

Don’t care what virtue the final asana is.

After 6 weeks, add the amount bit by bit and slowly reach the normal state..

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