New Yoga Life

What does the teacher mean by Namaste after yoga class?

Through the book “asana myth”, we will understand the story behind yoga asana! This article shares Namaste’s gesture.

After the yoga class, we put our hands together and prayed “Namaste” to each other, which was very ceremonial.

Many new students just say Namaste, but they don’t know what it means.

Their hearts are full of question marks, but they say Namaste with the tide! Namaste is not a yoga pose, but a gesture, but this gesture has great connotation, if you want to dig deeply.

Namaste’s meaning is to salute you and salute you, just like our old friend bowing; If you are more straightforward, you just want to greet everyone, shake hands, or give each other a hug.

In fact, it is India’s greeting! In fact, this word has a more poetic and spiritual translation: my inner light salutes your inner light.

In the spiritual field, it is believed that everyone has a pure and incomparable soul, emitting light, but we often live in ignorance and can’t see its light.

This greeting is to arouse everyone’s attention to the inner light and inner beauty.

If you salute each other with this meaning, you will feel the light inside yourself.

The combination of our palms actually represents the core of yoga, that is, unity.

This is the combination of two forces, the combination of yin and Yang, the combination of sun and moon, and the combination of sensibility and rationality.

This combination is expressed by our hands together.

Our hands together in front of our chest is to let the combination go deep into our hearts.

The next time you say Namaste, with this understanding, you will feel different energy.


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