Yoga teacher said: chest up! How to lift the chest? (Classic)

On the way of yoga, you either focus on yoga or focus on yoga classes.

You often hear the teacher say that the chest is lifted.

Where does this power come from? Today we take camel pose as an example.

Camel pose when you do camel pose, you need a synergy of internal and external forces.

If you lack confidence or strength to bend back, you may squeeze your lumbar spine and cervical spine.

The first step to solve this problem is to coordinate your breathing, which can control and guide the flow of energy.

If your inner strength is not enough, you will lack confidence in doing this pose.

Each of us is full of energy, but not everyone’s is activated or felt.

  Conscious breathing helps you activate your inner energy and helps you stabilize in asana.

Like a balloon, if it is filled with water (energy), it will be full.

Water (energy) gives external form and form.

When your body is full of Qi (energy), it expands to the pelvis, waist, abdomen, lower back, chest and back.

When the thorax expands and the spine extends, you can safely bend back.

Exhalation can give asanas a lot of help.

If your body is tense before you enter asana, it is possible that your lower ribs protrude.

Exhale several times first to make the back and chest soft, and let the lower ribs and internal organs find the back of the body.

When you begin to exhale completely, feel the contraction of your abdomen.

At this time, what you do is right.

You can keep the extension of your lower back and lift your chest when doing back bending.

In order to have more support in this pose, activate the rear thigh and hip muscles, let the tailbone down, stabilize the sacrum and support the lower back.

Sometimes it will push the thigh too forward.

With awareness, activate the muscles in the front of the thigh to stabilize and perpendicular to the ground.

The thighs are vertical to the ground.

When you follow this sequence, start energy with your breath.

You will feel the energy supporting you, and you will begin to believe in your inner energy, challenge postures and accept the challenges in life.

Before you start, simply sit and meditate.

Take 3 minutes to observe breathing and extend inhalation and exhalation.

Do the sun worship 3 times a and B.

During each sun salute, keep in the inclined plate for 1 minute to activate the abdominal muscles.

Then, do Warrior II to start leg strength, and do pigeon pose (hind leg bending) to stretch the front thighs and hip flexors.

Finally, do the dog pose.

Warrior can prepare for camel pose because both poses require the same leg and hip strength.

From the downward dog pose, the right foot is forward, the knee is right above the ankle, the left foot is buckled in, move slightly to the left, the hip is aligned, and when inhaling, expand the abdomen, chest and upper back.

When exhaling, the abdomen is retracted and the whole breath is exhaled.

Use this breathing method throughout the process.

This breathing method expands the chest, opens the heart chakra, and prepares for camel pose.

These movements should be coordinated with breathing, keep the space behind the hips and ribs, and keep them away from each other each time you inhale.

This can help you keep your spine extended, prevent compression of your lower back, and lift your chest up strongly.

The simple reverse table pose continues to teach us the start of the thigh and the strength of the breath, the core and the back of the body.

Sit on the mat, step on the ground with your feet the same width as your hips and parallel to each other, support your hands back the same width as your shoulders, put your fingers forward, extend your spine slightly outward, bend your elbows, gently pull your elbows close, extend and open your chest at the same time, keep a straight line between the top of your head and your spine, keep your shoulder blades away from your neck, and look for the front of your chest with the tip of your shoulder blades, Expand and lift your chest.

When you stay on the counter table for 5 deep breaths, connect internal forces, and notice how your body and breathing become strong and safe and stable.

When you feel ready, slowly lower your hips and take a few breaths.

3 one leg bow (against the wall) one leg bow, and its variants, can stretch the front thigh and hip flexor well, and can be used as a preparation for camel pose.

Put the yoga mat and blanket against the wall to the low lunge pose, back to the wall, support the ground with both hands, and slowly move towards the wall.

The knees are behind the edge of the wall, the lower legs are close to the wall, the hips are close to the wall, and the thigh bone is vertical to the ground, but don’t force it.

If the knees are folded too much, you can stay away from the wall, move the rear knees and hips forward, or put your hands on the front thighs, The hips and upper body are close to the wall.

Try to move the back of the pelvis downward and the front of the pelvis upward.

Keep 5 breaths in the neutral position of the pelvis.

Listen to the rhythm of breathing and feel the quality of breathing.

Put your hands on the ground, slide your knees out of the blanket off the wall, and exit the pose.

Repeat on the other side.

4 shoulder bridge in the shoulder bridge, use the support of the ground to start opening the chest and find the feeling in camel pose.

Lie down and step on the ground.

Align your feet with the outside of your hips, parallel to each other, support your hands on both sides of your body, rotate your shoulders outward, and inhale with your palms facing up for the first time.

Consciously relax your ribs to find the ground, feel the expansion of the internal space of your body, push your sciatic bone down to the ground from the inside, bend your lower back slightly, and your tailbone upward.

When you exhale, lift your hips off the ground and bring your hands down, Clasp your index fingers with both hands, focus on strong and comprehensive breathing, and keep breathing for 5 times.

Slowly release your hands and put your hips on the ground.

5 camel pose in the front pose, you start the legs, the back of the body and the core to prepare for camel pose.

Create a safe and strong deep expansion by continuing to maintain strong breathing.

A key point in camel pose is to keep the rhythm and stability of breathing.

Make sure to breathe into the lower back and keep space in the lower back.

Knees on the ground, toes on the ground.

Hold your hips and toes on the ground with both hands, close your ankles to each other, start the inner side of your thighs, lift your hip muscles up, imagine your thighs away from each other, and expand the back of your pelvis and waist line.

Inhale the tailbone downward and forward, lift the pelvis, the front of the hip, the lower abdomen and the lower ribs away from the upper thigh.

Use the inhale to expand the chest, extend the spine, lift the chest, retract the abdomen, support the lower back, rotate the arms outward, reach the back of the hip, put the fingertips down and start leaning back, lift the chest, take a deep breath and feel the body.

If you feel comfortable, put your hands on your heels.

Once you feel comfort and strength here, keep your insteps close to the ground, deepen the pose, and maintain 5 deep breaths to expand, soften and extend your chest.

When you come out of the pose, your hips and tailbone will be strong downward.

Come to downward dog pose to relax and extend your spine.

You can do a side angle pose and a standing forward bend.

Then come to the half Fish pose to extend the back muscles.

Finally, do baby pose and corpse pose to relax.

Yoga is the connection between body and mind.

When you practice deeply, you can taste the real fruit of yoga.

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