Practice these 8 yoga postures every day, and your waist won’t hurt for thousands of years!

The causes of lumbar muscle strain are mostly due to sedentary, standing for a long time or bad posture.

If they are not paid attention to, it is easy to aggravate and evolve into lumbar disc herniation! Today, share 8 super effective Yoga physiotherapy actions, which are especially effective for lumbar muscle strain caused by long-term sedentary! Action 01: prepare to exhale in the quadruped support position, tighten the core, lift the left leg backward, straighten the right hand forward, stay for 8-10 breaths, and change the other side action 02.

Keep the quadruped support position to inhale, put the right hand on the outside of the arm in the back of the head, open the chest to exhale, and move the right elbow down to the ground for 12-15 times.

Change sides 03.

Kneel, and inhale vertically on the thigh, Keep the upper body close to the ground, pay attention to the core tightening, extend the spine and stay for 1 minute.


Withdraw from the big cat, stand up, breathe in with the legs as wide as the shoulders, extend the spine and exhale, bend the hips forward, hug the elbows of both hands, relax the shoulders and stay for 8-10 breathing actions.


Stand in a position, slightly bend the hips, take a small step forward on the right leg, bend the left leg and bend the body, Hold the toes of the left foot with the right hand for 10 breaths, change to the other side action 06.

Supine position, bend the knees with both legs, lift the right leg and keep bending the knees, straighten the left leg forward, tighten the core, straighten the left hand upward and keep the right hand backward, stay for 8 breaths, change sides action 07.

Supine position, bend the knees with both legs, rotate the right hip outward, keep the right ankle close to the shoulders on the left thigh, relax the core, tighten the waist and back, and stay for 10 breaths, Change the other side of the action 08, supine position, bend your knees, put your hands on both sides of your ears, open your chest and exhale, turn your knees to the right and stay for 1 minute.

On the other side, many lumbar disc herniations are evolved from lumbar muscle strain, so we must pay attention# Guess you want to see # * 10 variants of yoga, flexible spine, strengthening back, core * yoga, shoulder opening is very important, and strengthening the stability of shoulder joint is more important! [Disclaimer: we respect the originality.

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