New Yoga Life

Postpartum Slimming yoga can quickly restore graceful figure and become a fashionable hot mother just around the corner

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   Today, we will learn postpartum Slimming yoga with you.

Practicing postpartum Slimming yoga can help mothers recover more quickly and effectively.

How to practice? The following is the teaching of postpartum Slimming yoga.

You can follow the steps to learn.

Of course, it is also possible to follow the postpartum Slimming yoga tutorial.

After childbirth, our mothers should mainly restore their physical strength.

The practice of postpartum weight-loss yoga is different from other weight-loss yoga exercises.

We should pay attention to the control of strength and time to avoid fatigue.


The two feet are slightly separated, and the soles of the feet cannot be splayed outside.

Exhale, twist the upper body to the left, keep the lower body still, stick the back of the left hand to the right waist, and put the right hand behind the left waist.

Inhale deeply, turn our upper body, put down our arms slowly, and slowly return to our initial action.

When practicing, pay attention to adjusting your breathing.

Exhale and twist your upper body to the right.

Keep your lower body still.

Persistent practice can reduce excess fat in the waist and abdomen.

Lie on your back on the bed, bend your legs, take your feet, elbows and back head as the fulcrum, and lift your hips vigorously, such as an arch bridge.

Exercise 10-20 times each time.

Patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should exercise this action carefully.

Keep our bodies standing, our legs apart, keep them the same width as our shoulders, and adduct the soles of our feet.

Inhale and raise your hands at the same time.

Exhale, lift your right hand on your ear and your left hand on your left thigh, bend and straighten.

It depends on your own situation, but generally when the left arm is straightened, the right waist will be under great pressure and more difficult, and the body will stretch to the left.

In sitting posture, the spine is naturally extended, the feet and legs are close together and straightened forward, and the hands are naturally placed on both sides of the body or on the thighs.

Inhale deeply, stretch our arms forward slowly, close our hands together, put our shoulders back again, hold our thumbs, and pay attention to the downward position of the palm.

Then raise your arms high above your head and the inside of your arms as close to your ears as possible.

Lean back slightly to extend the whole spine upward.

Exhale, start from the abdomen, move forward and down, close to the upper side of the thigh, hold the toes of both feet with both hands, and keep breathing smoothly.

Focus on the abdomen.

(you can bend your knees if you feel difficult) inhale, start from the back and bring up the whole upper body.

Exhale and return to the starting sitting position.

Relax for 10 ~ 20 seconds.

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Raw tomato, cucumber, white gourd, eggplant, green pepper or green leafy vegetable, grapefruit, strawberry, cherry, snow lotus fruit or fire dragon fruit, choose 2 kinds; Cocoa powder, protein powder, bean curd, bean skin or bean curd brain, 1-2 kinds; Fish soup, broth or bone soup, either.

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