New Yoga Life

Yoga asana is not a partial exercise of the body, but a unity of the whole

Which yoga pose is the most “fashionable” now? It’s probably all kinds of inverted stereos that look dazzling! Many little friends like to ask the teacher: am I weak in the abdomen? Is your arm weak We all think that not being able to do a yoga pose is a problem of the part of the body, while ignoring that it is a problem of the whole, and this whole does not only refer to your body, but also your heart.

Take the handstand as an example.

Let’s think about whether everyone has such an experience.

When you were a child, you can do the handstand with a push against the wall (without leaving the wall), but many children can’t step up now.

Why? Physically, after so many years, all parts of the body began to be stiff, the energy was not circulating, and because of the lack of exercise, the body function was used in and out, coupled with the fear (this fear was rare when I was a child), it was difficult to do so.

To practice asana, first find the unity of the body   The simple four legged bench style, which everyone has done, looks very simple.

But have you ever tried to activate every muscle and bone in this pose? Do you feel the flow of breath in your body? If not, try to practice with this guide word: hands are the same width as shoulders, five fingers are open, feel each finger joint compact the ground, middle finger is facing directly in front, elbows are slightly relaxed and slightly bent, elbow sockets are opposite, and shoulders are directly above wrists.

The chest is open, the upper back is full, the natural physiological curvature of the spine is maintained, and the abdomen is slightly retracted.

The hip is directly above the knee, the knee is the same width as the hip, and the lower leg, ankle and instep are close to the ground (many children can’t touch the ankle at first).

If you do all these details, keep breathing here for 5 times, and it is estimated that your forehead will start to sweat slightly.

From this pose to cat and cow stretching, and even the handstand that little friends want to do, there are more details.

Therefore, doing asana is not just a shelf, but to start each muscle and joint and cooperate with breathing.

Although it looks like a lot of details, if you find the unity of the body, these details will melt in your breath and breath.

You can do it without thinking about those details.

For example, head handstand, hand handstand and crossing.

When all parts of your body are ready, you can do it naturally.

We often say that practicing yoga requires the unity of body and mind.

However, if our bodies are not integrated and scattered, how can we be integrated with the heart? When the body is one, the “one” can be one with the “one” of the heart.

The heart is stable, the breath is stable, the breath is stable, and the body is stable, and vice versa.

The purpose of practicing asana is this.

We can’t stabilize the heart at once, but we can stabilize the breath, the body, and then the heart.

At this time, we can achieve the unity of body and mind.

The stability of the mind means that the mind is at ease in the present.

First of all, the first step must be to avoid thinking about things other than asanas.

The second step is not to be influenced by the asana.

For example, you will not fear when your head is upside down, will not struggle in the four pillar support asana, will not be depressed because the wheel can’t push up, and will not be ecstatic because you can cross.

So, when you can’t do something, you have to ask yourself, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, wrists? Are the legs, abdomen, back and arms strong? Did the muscles in the front and back of the thighs and the back of the arms stretch out? Did you find the extension from toe tip to finger tip? Do you feel the unity of your body when doing asanas? Does your heart have any emotional projection of this pose? The answers to all questions are in your body and in your heart.

It depends on whether you look inward or not.

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