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Why do you always unconsciously shrug your shoulders and have a thick and strong back when practicing yoga?

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   When practicing yoga, many people may encounter a situation that they always like to unconsciously shrug their shoulders


Over time, the position of the trapezius muscle on the shoulder is not only painful, but also strong! Sometimes, we will unconsciously shrug our shoulders


We have tried very hard to control, but we always want to shrug our shoulders, or control for a while and start to shrug again


Why? Reason 1: Yoga with poor breathing_ In) when practicing yoga, experienced teachers know that it is very easy for Jiaren who does not breathe well to shrug her shoulders during yoga


In fact, she shrugs not only during yoga, but also when inhaling in daily life


Reason 2: the superior trapezius muscle is independently innervated by the accessory nerve


The superior trapezius muscle and the muscle groups around our eyeballs are muscles independently innervated by the accessory nerve


The brain directly commands


Compared with other muscles, the start will be faster, resulting in shrugging


In addition, the accessory nerve is very sensitive and is prone to tension due to the influence of emotions such as pressure, anxiety and irritability


Therefore, some people shrug as long as they are very nervous


Reason 3: the lower trapezius muscle is weak, which leads to the compensation of the upper trapezius muscle


When practicing yoga, Jia people who know something about anatomy know that the functions of the upper and lower trapezius muscles in the human body will be different


The upper trapezius muscle has the function of lifting the scapula, while the lower trapezius muscle has the function of pressing the scapula down


Therefore, the current trapezius muscle is weak and has no power to resist the power of the upper trapezius muscle to lift the shoulder blades, so the shoulders are naturally easy to rise


Therefore, if you always like to shrug when practicing yoga, you first need to check your breathing problems


Second, you should learn to relax and regulate your emotions


Don’t be too nervous


Third, you should strengthen the practice of lower trapezius muscle


For the Jia people who like to shrug and have thickened and strengthened their shoulders and back, in addition to the above adjustments, they also need to strengthen the relaxation practice of the upper trapezius muscle


01 three actions relax the trapezius muscle 1 \ fascia ball or tennis massage put the fascia ball or tennis ball in the position of the upper trapezius muscle


When breathing, consciously press it down deeply and roll it slowly and controllably for 3 ~ 5 minutes


2 \ big cat variant four corner bench type enters inhalation, straighten your hands forward, support your palms on the ground, extend your spine and exhale, The right arm falls through the left armpit, puts the side of the head on the cushion, looks at the ceiling, and maintains 5 ~ 8 breaths


Practice 3 \ bird King’s arm King Kong sitting position


Prepare the left arm on the, wrap both hands around each other, the big arm is parallel to the ground, the small arm is perpendicular to the ground, inhale, the spine extends, the sternum is lifted up, exhale, the shoulder sinks away from the ear, and maintain 5 ~ 8 breaths, Practice 02 three actions on the other side to strengthen the lower trapezius muscle 1 \ locust prone cushion, put your hands back on both sides of the body, inhale, extend your spine and exhale, lift your hands, legs up, shoulder blades in the middle, hold your palms with your hands, focus your consciousness on the position of the lower trapezius muscle and feel its contraction, Keep it for 30 seconds to 1 minute, repeat the exercises for 2 ~ 3 groups, 2 \ shoulder extension and weight-bearing exercises, the King Kong sitting posture starts, the arms of both hands stretch back, the hands can hold yoga bricks, or find other things to replace the extension of the spine when inhaling, the shoulder blades recover, the shoulders sink when exhaling, and the sternum lift up for 30 seconds


Repeat the exercises for 3 groups, 3 \ semi Cobra prone cushions, put both hands on both sides of the chest, and clamp them in the elbows of both hands, Shoulders relax, sink, breathe in, extend the spine, continue to exhale the sternum, and recover the middle of the scapula


Feel the trapezius tighten and breathe in the spine


Extend the air breathing chest, extend the chin to the top, feel the neck lengthen, and shoulder away from the ear for 30 seconds to 1 minutes


Repeat the official account of the 3 groups


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