Yoga is a philosophical sage

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Westerners “discovered” Yoga in the 19th century


Initially, the interest of Europeans and Americans in this practice evolved around its philosophical basis


The early infatuation with Hindu theological works is the first step to promote yoga to the West


It is valuable to discuss yoga in the context of asana practice


In the early 20th century, the model of postural practice began to appear slowly


Until the middle of the 20th century, the practice of yoga posture began to attract the attention of the public and academia


Many later practitioners assumed that spiritual freedom would help people liberate from the pressure of capitalist ideology and promote the spread of asana in western countries


In the mid-12th century, it witnessed its first prosperity


In fact, SRIT


Kirshnamacharya’s students accelerated the popularization of Yoga among the western public


By the late 1940s, Indra Devi began teaching postures in Hollywood circles in the United States


She stayed there for decades and then traveled back and forth between Mexico and California until she went to Argentina in 1982


In 1966, b.k.s.iyengar (Master Iyengar) published the light of yoga, a comprehensive guide to the practice of asana


In the late 1970s, K


pattabhijois, the founder of astonga yoga, taught in the United States and Australia


Yogibhajan strengthened the popularity of yoga in western countries


He settled in California in 1968 to teach Kundalini yoga


Since then, Various yoga genres began to develop systematically in western countries


They shared the meaning of spiritual and physical balance, which became the basis of yoga practitioners all over the world


The explanation of the basic concept of balance is often different in all walks of life, but yoga practitioners seem to have more in common in their desire for a balanced life


Taking the unity of body and mind as the goal is the center of yoga practice, that is, another expression of seeking liberation


Contemporary people are full of unprecedented pressure and anxiety


That’s why, with the demand for spiritual peace, yoga has found fertile soil in the western postmodern era


Once the seeds of practice are sown, many people use it to find ways to treat life imbalance


Yoga now begins to help practitioners free themselves from the fear of failure, pain and change


The Yoga journey is lonely, but when we explore harmony inward, it is exciting for Yoga lovers to share yoga


Although we come from different yoga genres, yoga practitioners all over the world are seeking liberation from daily life


Yoga is life


Yoga has eight branches, 1 Yama, 2 niyama, 3 asana, 4 pranayama, 5 pratyahara, 6 dharana, 7 dhaana, 8 Samadhi


There are five branches: ahimsa; Not lying (Satya); Do not steal (asteya), do not indulge (brahmacharya), do not be greedy (aparigraha)..


In the book, in addition to “honesty”, it should also make people happy, and the unpleasant truth should not be said


A relationship between the world and the people, things and things around us


This relationship has no hatred, no lying, no jealousy, very real and no hypocrisy


What is the relationship between you and your body? Is it a real relationship or a hate relationship? I want to tell you that you don’t need to be angry with the outside world, but to be truly tolerant and connected with the outside world in order not to complain about the outside world


It is a kind of truth


You can really face yourself, things, things and positions, and truly express and appreciate them


If they are not true, you will go to camouflage, hypocrisy..


Not greed


You can have what belongs to you, not yours, If you don’t insist, you will be greedy, cheat and rob; Don’t steal, don’t steal everything from others, that’s other people’s time, don’t envy others, don’t deceive others with sweet words, don’t seek profits for yourself with hypocritical truth, based on mutual respect and cherish each other’s time! Practice your faith in yoga with your own behavior! Yoga postures are stupid


People take it too seriously


You must understand this, because if you put too much energy into yoga postures, you won’t get yoga, and you can only stay at the physical level


Awareness has three parts: toknow – others say, then we know


Tounderstand – we see others do it, Then we will understand


Torealize – we do and change ourselves, that is understanding


About power, the previous concept of power was muscle, strength or power


Slowly we found that many things have power, gentle people have power, beautiful food has power, moving words, music, photos Painting also has powerful power..


# Yoga says # keep your soul, your talent can be displayed freely


When your soul is lost, everything that belongs to you will be lost! Behind every confidence and elegance, there is a persistence and pursuit


The heart of excellence does not have to be gorgeous, but it must be strong


Growth must be experienced, good, bad, sad, happy..


The most important thing is to keep mindfulness and never give up


NAMASTE! Reading at home is recommended


Practicing yoga in this way can relax your body and mind and effectively activate your cells


Your yoga posture has been done well


What should you do next? During the Chinese new year, we stay at home and do not go out every day – semi camel style [disclaimer]


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