How to lie comfortably in yoga? Here are 10 choices!

Yoga on the road is not in yoga, or in yoga on the road to pay attention to listen to the voice of the body, fully relax in the corpse pose, corpse pose is one of the very important yoga postures


But when you practice yourself, you often skip this pose


Although it’s classic to lie upright, there are many variations if you don’t feel comfortable lying down


Try to get down and feel the contact between the front of your body and the ground




Lie on your back in a bunched position, bending your knees, with the soles of your feet touching and the knees open to both sides


You can use a yoga band to tie the soles of your feet or put a pillow under your knees for more comfort


Lie down with the pillow in the knee socket, legs straight, and put the pillow under the knee socket


4 head support which pillow or blanket is under the head


Put your legs on the chair, the chair on the edge of the mat, and your legs on the chair


6 legs on the wall lie down, buttocks against the wall, legs straight on the wall


Lie down in crocodile position, hands overlapping, forehead or cheek on the back of hand


Lie on your side with a pillow between your legs or upper body


Open the chest and put the pillow or yoga brick on your back


Bend your knees


Bend your knees


Step on the floor


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