New Yoga Life

The most suitable Yoga sequence for office people, only 15 minutes a day to relieve backache

This set of Yoga sequence is simple and easy to do, can relax muscles, release tension, flexible body, and fight against the injury of office people’s sedentary! Take advantage of the fragmented time and act now!   1


It’s easy to sit and stand with neck extension


Put your left hand gently on your right ear


Turn your head to your left shoulder with your left hand


Find your left shoulder with your left ear and relax your right shoulder


Feel the stretch on the right side of your neck


Stay for 8 breaths and change to the other side   Efficacy: it can effectively relieve the neck and shoulder stiffness of computer users




Sit on the chair with your left hand on the outside of your right knee and your right arm on the back of the chair


Keep your back straight, your chest up and your feet down on the ground


Watch your right hand for 8 breaths and change to the other side   Efficacy: it can effectively release the stiffness of shoulder and neck, relieve the tension of spine and back


3 push ups choose one side of the table, step back with both feet, exhale, bend elbows, chest down, inhale and push up, 8 groups of dynamic exercises   Efficacy: exercise chest muscles, help to improve the strength of arms, shoulders and core


4 up dog style: open both hands as wide as the shoulders, point the toes of both feet, lean forward, push hip forward, lift chest up, extend both arms, keep 5 breaths   Efficacy: effectively extend the chest, fully open the lungs and shoulders


5 stretch the back of thigh to stand, step the right foot forward, raise the tip of the right foot, slightly bend the right knee about 45 degrees off the ground, point the fingertips of both hands on the ground, fold forward and down, keep 8 breaths, change the other side   Efficacy: stretch the back of thigh to effectively relieve sciatica and back pain


6 high position lunge + lean forward, take a big step backward with your right leg, bend your left knee 90 degrees, raise your hands above your head to high position lunge, lean forward with your upper body, straighten your arms, retract your shoulder blades backward, relax your shoulders, keep 8 breaths, change the other side efficacy: effectively relieve the muscle tension of hip and leg


7 bend your left knee in pigeon style, place your left leg on the table, straighten your right leg backward, extend your arms forward until you feel the stretch on the outside and back of your buttocks, stay for 8 breaths and do the other side   Efficacy: effectively open the hip, reduce the stiffness and pain of the lower back, stretch the front thigh and hip muscles


Lying on the mat, legs on the chair, hands palms up naturally on the side of the body, focus on breathing, close your eyes for 5 minutes   Efficacy: relax brain, strengthen blood circulation of hip, back of leg and back


Be sure to choose a stable desk and chair, you can do it at home and in the office, every time for more than ten minutes, spirit for a whole day* Disclaimer: we respect originality and share


All rights reserved by the original author


If any infringement occurs, please contact us immediately and we will delete it as soon as possible


Share with friends      Barbecue is also a kind of appreciation


The English name of barbecue is barbecue (commonly known as BBQ), which may come from the Caribbean


Once upon a time, when the French came to the Caribbean, they would put the whole slaughtered sheep on the grill from beard to buttock and eat them


This food is referred to as “Barbe cul” (the “L” at the end of French cul is silent), which evolved into the word barbecue


Due to the homonym of “cue” and the English letter “Q”, it became barbeque, later abbreviated as “BBQ”


According to the standard of English translation in the field of public service officially implemented on December 1, 2017, barbecue is translated into grill or barbecue in the field of public service


Due to the smoke generated when the meat is roasted, the common barbecue is carried out outdoors


In Asia, such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, it is called barbecue shop, also called barbecue shop


In other words, in front of each person’s seat in the room, there are barbecue racks or plates built in the middle of the table, with charcoal or gas stoves and electric ovens, grid racks or grills A grill or oven that allows consumers to cook raw meat or raw food themselves


Although it mainly refers to roast meat, there are quite a variety of food materials that can be roasted in 2018


It can be said that any food material including vegetables and fruits can be roasted


Tofu, mushrooms and green peppers are also common in Asia


In terms of Chinese food, there is a kind of roast flavor, including roast goose, chicken with soy sauce, roast meat, barbecued pork and so on


It is not a kind of barbecue that the diner cooks himself or herself, but it is also called BBQ in English


Chinese cuisine has gone through four stages of development, including fire cooking, stone cooking, water cooking and oil cooking


Fire cooking is the most primitive cooking method


The most primitive method of fire cooking is burning and baking


There are two explanations for baking: one is to make things on fire, such as fire, firewood, etc; The second is to use fire or hot things to make things heated, such as boiling water, charcoal and so on


The second meaning is a kind of deep drawing, a kind of cooking


Barbecue includes: smoked, baked, baked


Barbecue is an important part of barbecue


Archaeologists found two stone carvings with barbecued meat kebabs in a remnant stone tomb of the late Eastern Han Dynasty unearthed in Wulibao village, Linyi City, southern Shandong Province


Through research, it is found that the characters in the two paintings are all Han people, and their barbecued meat kebabs are beef and mutton kebabs


These two kitchen pictures reflect the folk food customs of southern Shandong before 1800


From the Neolithic Age to the pre Qin period, roasting was the same as roasting, burning and burning


With the progress of cooking, although the water cooking and oil cooking methods appeared, the roasting method did not disappear, and there were many more patterns


By 2018, there are a variety of roasting methods, such as white roasting, mud roasting, paste roasting, string roasting, red roasting, salting roasting, crisp roasting, hanging paste roasting, noodle roasting, fork roasting, hook hanging roasting, grate roasting, open oven roasting, dark oven roasting, iron pot roasting, oven roasting, bamboo tube roasting, bonfire roasting, etc., showing the delicious taste of barbecue, which has great attraction and attraction for people


Many cities in China have their own unique barbecue methods, such as barbecue plate, iron plate, iron net and long grate


Most of them are charcoal fire, and the carbon used is different in different regions


In terms of taste, I feel that barbecue in the north is more particular


Ingredients, pickling, mixing and so on are very interesting


For example, special dip for barbecue and cumin for mixed meat are very special


Fuxi, the representative of Chinese civilization, is the head of the three emperors


In the Three Character Classic, there is a saying that “from Xinong to Huangdi, the three emperors ruled the world.”


The spirit of creation is the spirit of Fuxi Culture


In ancient times, there were many fish in rivers, lakes and the sea, many birds in the sky and many beasts on the ground, which people could not catch


People hold a tree trunk and wait by the water


When they watch the fish swim, they hit a stick


Only in this way can they catch a few fish occasionally


Fuxi dried the wild hemp and twisted it into ropes


Then he made nets with thinner ropes to teach people to fish; Make a net with thicker rope to teach people to catch birds and animals


It’s much better than eating only wild fruits from trees, but raw fish and birds don’t taste good


What’s worse is that some of them can’t make it right, and they even have stomach trouble


When Fuxi got the sky fire, he taught people to cook the birds and fish with fire


Since then, people eat delicious barbecue, the body will be more healthy


In memory of Fuxi, people call him “Pao Shi”, that is, “the first person who roasted animal meat with fire”


If modern people live in nature, without other cooking utensils but only fire and raw food, how can they solve the problem of eating? I think we have to take a more primitive approach


This is not recollection and reappearance, but a real effort


At the same time, it can make people think about their ancestors’ hard exploration in the history of food culture, so as to express their sincere admiration for their wisdom.


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