New Yoga Life

10 high intensity “instability” Yoga variants, strengthen the core & hips, help you do it once!

Practicing yoga, we all know that buttocks and abdomen is an important guarantee for the health of buttocks, waist and pelvis, especially for those who have problems such as pelvic forward tilt, big belly, low back weakness, low back pain, etc


So, today, I’d like to share a group of “unstable” Yoga variants, which can strengthen the core & hips, activate the deep muscles of the spine, increase the stability of the spine, strength and difficulty are a little big, suitable for Jiaren exercise with certain experience


Beginners suggest to collect first, strengthen the core & hips & weight loss and shaping effect, and practice together: preparation:   Adjust the breathing, activate the core to lie on the cushion surface, bend the knees close to the hips, separate the feet to the same width as the hips, knee and toe to the same direction, pinch the ball in the thigh, activate the adductor group to inhale, expand the chest to exhale, close the navel to the spine, slightly tighten the abdomen, repeat 10-20 times to activate the core


1: support your hands on the semicircular wave velocity ball, stabilize the core first, and prepare to exhale in inclined plate, Climbing step, thigh running forward, keep the stability of the core of the body, repeat 12-20 times, fast warm-up movement 2: support your elbows on the semicircle wave speed ball, cross your hands forward in turn, touch the cushion surface, repeat 12-20 times, pay attention to keep the stability of the body movement 3: support your elbows on the semicircle wave speed ball, tighten the core, stabilize the body, lift your right leg in turn, Repeat exercise 12-20 times with the left leg upward


4: prepare with the inclined plate, put your feet on the semicircle wave speed ball, open your feet to both sides in turn, and then repeat exercise 12-20 times


5: exhale with the inclined plate on the semicircle wave speed ball, bend your elbow to enter the four column inhalation, restore, repeat exercise 12-20 times


6: support with the right elbow, tighten the side plate core, Keep your arms in a straight line for 5-8 breaths, change the other side action 7: lie on your back, bend your knees, put your feet on the semicircle wave velocity ball, lift your left leg up and even exhale, lift your hip up and inhale, restore, repeat 12-20 times, change the other side action 8: lie on your back, bend your knees close to your hips, knees and toes in the same direction, hands on the back of your head to exhale, Raise your head and cervical vertebra one by one until your shoulder blades leave to inhale


Restore your thoracic vertebra and cervical vertebra one by one


Repeat 12-20 times


9: sit and stand on a semicircular wave velocity ball, bend your knees close to your abdomen, exhale with your legs parallel to the ground, tighten your core, stretch your arms forward, and keep 5-8 breaths


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