Yoga worship the sun & the moon, worship the sun A & B is not clear? An article to help you get it done!

Yoga, we are most familiar with the worship of the sun, almost everyone can practice yoga, but when it comes to worship a & B, some people are a little confused, and if it comes to yoga worship of the moon, even fewer people know and can make it clear, especially yoga beginners


So, today I’d like to make up a detailed understanding with you, yoga worship day & Moon (hatha yoga), worship day a & B (Ashtanga Yoga), remember to collect it! 1、 Worship the sun & worship the moon 1


Worship the sun is also known as Hatha 12


Ancient yogis believed that the sun is the source of life for all things in the world


Without the sun, there would be no life


So we created 12 individuals to express our infinite admiration for the sun


01 prayer style, mountain style standing, palms closed, thumbs gently touching chest, eyes looking forward, 02 arm lifting style, inhale, arm side up to the top of the head, straighten fingertips, lengthen waist, 03 stand and bend forward, exhale, fold from hips, abdomen close to thighs, hands on both sides of feet, 04 horse riding style, exhale, Take a big step backward with your right foot, point your right foot to the ground, straighten your right leg, make your left leg vertical to the ground, use the inclined plate, inhale, take a big step backward with your left foot parallel to your right foot, put your shoulders right above your wrists, straighten your hands with your legs, tighten your abdomen, form a straight line, and exhale, Bend your elbows, lower your body to half and enter the four column 07 Cobra style, inhale, drive your body forward, pass through the instep to the ground, bend your arms slightly, lift your chest up and down in dog style, exhale, point your toes, push your hands to the ground, straighten your knees and arms, and land your heels, press your shoulders and back down, Turn your tailbone to the ceiling 09 horse riding style


Inhale, move your right foot forward between your hands


Return to horse riding style


10 stand forward


Bend forward


Exhale, move your left foot forward parallel to your right foot


Enter stand forward


Bend 11 arms up


Inhale, push your spine up


Return to arm up


12 prayer


Exhale, Return to praying 2


Moon worship is to balance energy and stabilize body and mind


Compared with Japanese worship, moon worship is more delicate and gentle


It is very suitable for women to practice in the evening


It is the best way to practice after a busy day


Standing horizontally on the mat, starting from the right side of the mat, all postures start from the left side (left Yin and right Yang)


All postures maintain a breathing time




Praying – Crescent – Praying starts – fingers are folded forward and pushed out and raised above the top of the head – body is horizontally bent to the right and then to the left – keep hips and abdomen motionless – both sides of the waist are stretched 2-3 at the same time, tripod – Starfish – feet are separated and one leg is long – toes turn out, knees follow the direction of toes – heels in a straight line, Bend your knees and cover your hips, bend your elbows, lift your shoulders, open your fingers, palm to the front, straighten your legs, raise your hands horizontally, palm forward, enter starfish 4 and triangle, open your feet to one leg, raise your hands horizontally, abduct your left heel, turn your right foot to the right, exhale, lower your body to the right, hold your right leg with your right hand, Arms in a straight line 5


Strengthen the side extension style; feet open one leg long; hand hip turn foot turn right; straight back bend down, hand support the ground; body close to the right leg 6


Young dragon style; downward dog style preparation; right foot step forward between hands; right knee vertical to the ground, left knee gently on the ground; raise arms chest and bend back 7-8 Side lunge – squat position – exhale, hands in right feet – turn body and right foot to right while tailbone is down – extend left foot outward, toes pointing to sky – fold hands in front of body, or palms on the ground – retract right leg, Return to the squatting position, and then practice in the opposite direction: side lunge → young dragon style → strengthen the side stretching style → triangle style → starfish style → tripod style → string moon style → prayer style


Worship a & B worship a / b are all derived from Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, with tandem postures and breathing (one action and one breath)


Meanwhile, gaze and closing are also integral parts




Worship a what we can see from the above picture is the complete version of worship a movement with breathing, one action with one breath, the beginning and end of mountain pose as two movements, and five breaths in the transition of downward dog pose


The specific practice methods are as follows: (the upward arrow is to inhale, the downward arrow is to exhale) 1


Mountain pose: exhale, stand in the middle of the cushion, put your hands together, look at the tip of the nose




Inhale, raise your hands over the top of the head, look up at the thumb




Exhale, bend forward, look at the tip of the nose with your eyes




Inhale, look up, look at the third eye (brow Center)




Exhale, Jump your feet to the rear (beginners step back), look at the tip of the nose 6


Inhale, (from the tip of the foot) roll to the up dog pose, look at the tip of the nose 7


Exhale, roll the tip of the foot to the down dog pose, look at the navel (keep 5 breaths) 8


Inhale, jump back with your feet (beginners step back), look at the third eye 9


Exhale, bend forward, look at the tip of the nose 10


Inhale, raise your arms, look at thumb 11 Exhale, return to the middle position, look at the tip of the nose




Worship B above is the complete version of worship B action with breathing, one action with one breath


Stay in the dog style near the last practice, take a transitional rest, and keep 5 breaths


The specific practice methods are as follows: (the upward arrow is to inhale, the downward arrow is to exhale) 1


Mountain style: exhale, hands together, stand in the center of the cushion, hands together, look at the tip of the nose




Inhale, kneel down, hands up above the head, look at the thumb




Exhale, bend forward, eyes look at the tip of the nose




Inhale, look up, look at the third eye




Exhale, Jump back with both feet (beginners step backward), look at the tip of the nose 6


Inhale, roll from the tip of the foot to the up dog pose, look at the tip of the nose 7


Exhale, roll to the down dog pose, look at the navel, then turn the left heel inward, step forward with the right foot and put it next to the right hand 8


Inhale, bend the right knee 90 degrees, put the hip straight, raise the arm up, look behind the thumb 9


Exhale, Put your hand on the cushion on both sides of your right foot


Step back 10 degrees with your right foot




Roll your toes to the upper dog pose


Look at the third eye 11




Roll your toes to the lower dog pose


Look at your navel


Then turn your right heel inward


Step forward with your left foot to your left hand






Bend your left knee 90 degrees, Put your hands on the cushions on both sides of your left foot


Step back with your left foot and enter the four pillar pose






Roll to the upper dog pose


Look at the third eye (eyebrow) 15




Roll to the lower dog pose


Look at the navel (5 breaths)






Jump back with your feet (Beginner’s step back)


Look at the third eye 17




Bend forward


Look at the tip of the nose 18




Bend your knees, Hands up, look at the thumb 19, exhale, return to the middle position, look at the tip of the nose, I am Meimei, pay attention to me, share free courses for you, we progress together!.


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