New Yoga Life

In the yoga studio, I saw the standard scene of “driving the teacher crazy”.

Many people think that yoga teachers run around the world, take photos, punch in and out, and pose as individuals, In fact, yoga teachers don’t struggle so well


It’s common for them to run classes all over the city


It’s common for them to default on the course fees


It’s common for them to make ends meet


If they encounter the following problems again, I believe some teachers will “collapse”


In addition to yoga teachers, what others say is right


They don’t believe in yoga teachers’ words, but they like to ask questions


It’s also very private Ask the teacher


The teacher is stunned


Does the student really take himself as an outsider? My arms are numb


My body is aching here


It hurts


My aunt is not on time


Some of them are all broken


They are all looking for teachers


Yoga is a physical therapy


It’s right


But yoga teachers are not doctors


If we are sick, we should find a doctor or find a doctor


Even emotional problems will make complaints about the problems related to yoga


It’s not that the teacher doesn’t want to answer, but he really doesn’t know how to answer


Maybe you will think that if I don’t ask the teacher, who should I ask? Yoga teacher is just a yoga teacher


You can find the answers to many questions by yourself


If you send a link, you will feel that the teacher is not sincere in recommending you a course


You will doubt whether the teacher is promoting


Telling you the answers can not help you grow up


You can analyze the problems by yourself


In this way, you will gain more knowledge and experience


Yoga teachers also don’t like to ask “professional” questions It’s very welcome, such as the problems encountered in the process of practice, how to improve the posture, what’s the state of the body muscles, what’s the state of meditation and rest, or if you want the teacher to help you practice, the teacher will find a way to solve these problems with you, but the teacher only teaches you


Most of the time, you need to explore by yourself, be aware of every moment, and everyone is different It’s impossible for yoga teachers to tell everyone to do it in the same way


I hope the hard work of all yoga teachers can be felt and fed back


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Remember to praise + pay attention! Teacher wechat, long press the following figure to identify the QR code, you can add a point in the lower left corner to select yoga supplies.


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