Famous teacher starts | find awareness and peace in yoga and meet a healthier self

How long has it been since you had a good sleep? How long has it been since I laughed? When a mother: to take care of children, to take care of home, but also to take care of work, anxiety boring no one said


Young people: working overtime, making achievements, caring for interpersonal relationships, great pressure, not to mention the physical pain caused by sedentary


Middle aged people: all kinds of life pressure such as economy, children, work, etc


is like a mountain, they dare not relax for a moment


Night owl: sleepy during the day, difficult to sleep at night, the more you think, the more energetic, sleepless


  Compared with life itself, these “burdens” seem to have become the masters of our lives, and happiness is becoming more and more rare


As a friend of mine said: pressure, anxiety, physical burden..


Seems to make me lose the ability to be happy


I want to find an outlet and make some changes, but I don’t know where to start? If you at the other end of the screen, like her, are chased by bad mood and bad physical condition, you don’t know what to do


Then I recommend that you follow Mr


Tian Duomo, who travels all over the world, practices in the mountains and seas, and seeks the true meaning of life, and get peace, relaxation and healing in “Jue Yoga – asana practice plan”


Don’t worry that practice will make you tired, and don’t worry about what you have to achieve, because it pursues the original strength of the body without restraint and the natural state without demanding


Workplace people: exercise muscles and bones, relax muscles, and regulate sub-health state of the body through postural practice


  Teachers: learn from the new school and teachers’ ideas of course compilation, enrich their own teaching system, and give students more choices


  Practitioner: feel life in the dynamic flow and get joy


  Enthusiasts: explore the mystery of yoga in practice, experience new ideas and fill the heart


In short, there is no threshold for practice in the course


As long as you are prepared, you can follow teacher domer to practice, which is of great benefit to both professional and non professional groups


So, from now on, start from the body, go deep into the heart, face life in a different state, posture and vision, and look at life


Long press the QR code to find enlightenment with teacher domer


At the age of 16, we began to practice yoga, travel mountains and seas, and explore the true meaning of life


“Yoga is the light of the world, and those who have started yoga will not walk in the dark.” Teacher domer and yoga met at the age of 16, young, energetic and ignorant, and “a glance of ten thousand years” can probably describe his first acquaintance with yoga


It’s like Bole who knows each other, and it’s like lovers who love each other, giving each other and growing up with each other


Because of this love, he began to explore yoga


In five years, he traveled all over the country and asked different teachers one after another


He improved his skills and sought the answer to life


Years of study, practice and practice have made him accumulate rich experience in yoga, both in knowledge and skills


But instead of eagerly starting teaching, he went to a larger world


From 2010 to 2015, he began meditation and retreat in Tibet, India, Nepal and other yoga pilgrimages


Sometimes in the mountains and rivers, sometimes in the sea, he found inner peace and physical awareness in nature, and explored the essence of life


After that, he condensed his gains and experiences from more than 10 years of study and practice, and founded “Jue yoga”


Not demanding, more free, more relaxed, you can find its subtlety in practice


Because of the reality of experience and the far-reaching influence after practice, more and more students come to follow teacher domer to start yoga practice


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