Yoga, hip tension, will not only affect the refinement of many postures, but also affect the range of motion of the thigh, squeezing the lumbar spine, resulting in low back pain, knee excessive compensatory pain and a series of problems
So, it’s very important to practice yoga and flexible hip joint! Today, I’d like to share 6 variations of hip opening yoga
You can practice it when you lie on the wall at home
The effect of extreme hip opening is very cracked
You must try: action 1: lie on the wall with your hips and legs, bend your knees on the cushion surface, keep your feet close to the thigh root for 1-2 minutes, lift your feet in a higher position, lift your hips up, keep your body stable, and then stretch your arms back for 1-2 minutes Inhale, restore, exhale, feet close to the abdomen, knees to find the ground, arms hold the outside of the feet for 1-2 minutes action 2: hips and legs against the wall, supine on the cushion surface, bend knees close to the abdomen, feet on the wall, right foot on the thigh, arms hold the right thigh close to the chest for 1-2 minutes, change the other side action 3: hips and legs against the wall, supine on the cushion surface, bend knees, Open both legs to both sides, leg vertical wall, straight against the wall, left leg right thigh rotation, right foot landing, right leg inside the wall, left leg slowly down to find the ground, hands arm up extension, left hand holding the right wrist for 1-2 minutes, change the other side action 4: hip legs against the wall, supine on the mat, bend the knees, vertical legs to both sides, feet inside up, hands on the thigh Inside, hold for 1-2 minutes, slowly straighten the left leg, bend the body to the right, extend both arms, hold for 1-2 minutes, change the other side action 5: legs buttocks against the wall, supine on the cushion surface, legs separate to both sides, feet back hook
If you want to feel more intense, you can use the extension belt to cover your feet, both hands pull the extension belt, hold for 1-2 minutes action 6: legs buttocks against the wall, supine on the cushion surface, bend Double knees, right leg wrapped on the left leg, hands raised horizontally, right body twist for 1-2 minutes, change the other side point into the lower video number to watch more dry goods, remember to praise + pay attention! Click on the left corner of the picture below to add the yoga teacher’s QR code.