New Yoga Life

Can’t yoga beginners do abdominal breathing? Try it this way

Click the blue words above to pay attention to the fact that as an adult, the amount of gas inhaled and exhaled each time is only 400ml-500ml


And do the deepest breath, men can reach 3500 ml, women can reach 2500 ml, equivalent to 8 times the usual inhalation


Scientific breathing method will make our body function well regulated, so that life can obtain a lot of energy


Whether it is martial arts, Tai Chi, swimming, long-distance running, yoga, or static meditation, meditation and other fitness methods, we must learn a breathing method – abdominal breathing


Abdominal breathing, as the most basic and effective infant breathing method, can reduce the pressure of heart and lung by increasing the activity of diaphragm, better circulating the gas in lung, adjusting nervous system, massaging abdominal viscera


During the whole process of breathing, the chest should be kept motionless, and the abdomen should feel undulating with the breath


You can choose to lie on your back or sit in a comfortable meditation posture


Take sitting posture as an example: 1


Relax your whole body, adjust several groups of natural breathing, and your eyes fall from far to near to the tip of the nose




The chin retracts slightly, and the tip of the tongue gently touches the upper jaw, so that you can breathe evenly and slowly, and make yourself completely calm




Close yourself and the outside world


As if at this moment, there is only yoga, only the present self




Stretch out our right hand, palm inward, gently put it on our abdomen, pay attention not to squeeze the abdomen; put our left hand on the chest, slowly inhale through the nostrils, and fully concentrate all the air in the lungs through the nose and throat, so as to increase the volume of the lungs, and sink the diaphragm to the maximum extent When exhaling, contract the abdomen inward to the maximum extent, let the abdomen find the direction of the lumbar spine, make the diaphragm rise, and discharge all the waste gas and turbid gas out of the body


When breathing in the abdominal mode, the chest always remains motionless


Repeat several groups of abdominal breathing, feel the influence of nasal suction and nasal exhalation on our body, and feel the rising and falling of one breath and one breath


Breathing practice is the basis of practicing yoga


If you master breathing well, it can provide sufficient nutrients for your body, so that you can practice more calmly and relax


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