New Yoga Life

#Travel in Chengdu, 10000 steps a day

On February 19, the first 2422 day of walking, she hesitated in the morning and went out in her yoga underwear


In the afternoon, he refused the invitation to dinner because he wanted to have his first yoga class after last year


If you don’t do yoga, it’s over


It’s a call from my body, and most of the time I turn a deaf ear to it with a great sense of guilt


The trick is not to think about anything and come into the classroom when it’s time


Take off your coat, sit on the yoga mat and give yourself to the teacher






no Yes


Let’s go




To arrive at




Close your eyes and listen to teacher Yan


Although I don’t know where the first bone of thoracic vertebra, lumbar vertebra and caudal vertebra is, it’s satisfying to sit quietly with eyes closed


I yawn and my eyes run


The older the age, the less developed the gland


I rarely sweat, tears also make people feel unobstructed


What Mr


Yan had today was a posture class, which took us to do head handstand, shoulder handstand, fish and plow


It is said that it can promote the flexibility of spine, massage spleen and relieve internal organs


For the first time, I felt relaxed with Mr


Yan in the upper body posture (the action was not in place and never bothered me)


An hour passed quickly, and my heart was filled with the satisfaction of yoga


From Monday to Friday evening, teacher Yan starts breathing class again in March


I have to stick to yoga, just like ten thousand steps a day


Xiaomi sports 10709 steps..


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