Method 1, table start, move the right foot between the hands, so that the right knee is above the ankle, into a low lunge
Put your left knee and foot on the ground
Exhale, straighten your right leg, and press your hips to your left heel
Bend the spine, press the forehead down to the right kneecap, and lift the right toe toward the ceiling
Move your hands toward your body to support your torso
Relax your shoulders, neck and face
Breathe, hold for 4-8 times
Inhale and bend your right knee over your ankle
Then exhale and bring the right knee back to the table position
Repeat on the other side
Benefits and contraindications benefits: the semi pyramid can extend the back of the legs deeply and calm the heart
Contraindications: recent or chronic leg or knee injuries
Perfect: place folded blankets under your knees to protect them from pressure
Flow yoga can use one or more of the following positions before this position: table position, low lunge position, warrior’s first position, variant position
After this position, one or more of the following positions can be used: low lunge, half prayer twist
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