New Yoga Life

6 common misconceptions and 6 commands in yoga, especially pay attention! (Favorite level)

As a beginner, did you enter a yoga studio with a skeptical attitude? Do you really understand the commands taught by the yoga teacher in class? Today, I will take you into these doubts and unravel your misconceptions!.

Misconception 01: I have always been stiff like cement, so I cannot do yoga..

Truth: Unless you are a ballet dancer or a sports superstar, it is very normal for you to feel tight in your body. So if it seems like you can’t touch your toes, don’t worry. Through regular practice, yoga can effectively improve your body’s flexibility..

Misconception 02: I am already exercising in the gym, so I don’t need to practice yoga anymore..

Truth: Although many forms of exercise provide a wonderful exercise for the body, only yoga can be considered a therapeutic system that can help heal injuries, improve chronic diseases, and balance psychological stress..

Truth: Although there are certain things specifically designed for girls (such as pink lip gloss), yoga is not one of these things. In history, for over 2000 years, some of the greatest yoga teachers were male, and the well-known Su Dongpo Grand Master practiced yoga..

Misconception 04: I once tried a yoga class, but it was too slow and dull..

Truth: In some yoga styles, such as gentle yoga, slow tempo is necessary, but flow yoga or vinyasa yoga provides a fast and dynamic rhythm, as well as endless exciting challenges..

Misconception 05: I am worried that practicing yoga will force me to embrace a religion..

Truth: Yoga is not a religion, it is a science that can improve physical and mental health. If yoga has a belief system, it only helps your body connect better..

Misconception 06: I can’t do yoga. I like to go out with friends and have a few drinks..

Truth: Relax and become a yoga practitioner, you can still enjoy one or two (or even three) glasses of alcohol. As time goes on, you will find that although you are not forced to change, you will naturally and gradually lean towards a healthy lifestyle..

Imagine a straight line from the hip to the ankle. Keep the hips directly above the middle of the two ankles. The feeling of knees facing forward or slightly approaching each other..

I have learned to open my feet the same width as my hips, maintain this foundation, do forward bending and folding, and maintain an upright position in this posture. If necessary, slightly bend the knee; Raise the ischium upwards to keep the hips directly above the heel; Stretch the back of the thighs and relax the upper body..

Bicycle Seats For Men

If you stand with your feet open at the same width as your hips, knees and hips at the same width, hands on both sides of your body, palms facing forward, all your joints are in an upright position..

When we start squatting, we usually rotate our hips outward or open the inner thighs. But in wheeled and arched poses, the knees are wider than the hips, and if you want to reduce the distance between the knees, it will be more difficult to do a backbend..

There are many exercises in yoga where joints are aligned, and one common practice is to have the knee directly above the heel, such as Warrior pose and Warrior pose. In these postures, the knee joint is stable; As the pose becomes deeper and deeper, the forefoot needs to move forward to keep the knees in place.

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