New Yoga Life

Body stiffness is actually a sign of aging! Yoga stretching can reverse aging!

From birth to adulthood, people’s muscles and bones gradually move from flexibility to rigidity, which is a reflection of the vigorous vitality moving towards aging..

Flexibility is a manifestation of vigorous vitality. If one can cultivate the whole body’s qi and blood to make it as flexible as in childhood, and make the muscles, bones, and joints return from stiffness to flexibility, then it is possible to reverse aging..

The practice of yoga emphasizes the use of breathing, emphasizes gradual progress, increases body flexibility and inner core strength, and makes vitality vigorous. This is also one of the reasons why yoga can delay aging..

As the saying goes, “Bones are healthy, tendons are soft, and all diseases are eliminated.”. When your body begins to stiffen and there is no circulation of qi and blood, many diseases will come knocking on your door. When the body is flexible, it will become healthier..

So, for the sake of a healthy and youthful body, it is necessary to practice yoga for about an hour every day..

The body is prone to stiffness when waking up in the morning, so why not do some simple stretching after waking up in the morning.

Merely practicing postures is not enough. If you have enough time, I recommend a yoga breathing method that is suitable for waking up in the morning – the buzzing breathing method..

Through buzzing breathing, our brain cells will vibrate, just like a flower opening its flower bud. The top wheel is opened, which means that our subtle energy begins to be active. What we mean by the brain is the area from the head to the spine..

Remember that this buzzing sound is not coming from the throat, but from the mouth. So it is necessary to maintain a natural bite state of the teeth, as it can create a very natural buzzing sound like a bee. If the teeth are open, this effect cannot be achieved..

Place your thumb on your ear, index finger on your eyebrows, and rest your hands on the side of your nose. Keep each little finger near the nostrils.

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Take a deep breath through the nose. Firstly, feel the diaphragm moving downwards, expand the lungs to make the abdomen stretch outward, expand the chest cavity, and finally lift the clavicle.

Close a part of the nostril with your little finger. Fill the lungs completely with air.

Note that the buzzing sound should come from the throat rather than the partially closed nostrils.

Practice on an empty stomach in the morning for better results. Beginners should gradually increase their practice time step by step..

Every morning, wake up with a simple yoga stretching routine combined with a simple yoga breathing practice, give yourself half an hour to protect your health and improve your happiness index!.

Today’s topic: Yoga, the best daily skincare product. Tell me about your experience~.

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