New Yoga Life

There are so many yoga movements, actually there are only these 7 categories! I understand that your practice is more effective

In some classical yoga books, it is recorded that there are as many as 84000 yoga postures, and this is only a rough estimate. Of course, don’t be intimidated by this huge number. Ultimately, understanding that yoga postures can be divided into these 7 categories is enough..

Sitting posture, forward bending, backward bending, lateral bending, twisting, balance, inverted..

Due to the different postures of yoga, the effects are also different, and the feelings brought by different postures are also different. Therefore, today we will share with you these 7 categories of yoga..

Comfortable Bike Seats

Common yoga sitting positions include: simple sitting, auspicious sitting, ultimate sitting, half lotus full lotus, and so on. It’s basically some yoga meditation postures, and sitting postures also require awareness and relaxation, but not complete relaxation, with the back straight..

This way, the breath can flow smoothly through the meridians, strengthen the nerves in the waist and sacrum areas, and allow the body’s energy to gather in the pelvic area..

The common yoga twist postures include: Kneeling Spine Twist, Sitting Spine Twist, and Supine Spine Twist, Balavaga Twist, Marichi Twist, Tri, and so on. Twisting postures should be combined with breathing, inhaling, stretching, and exhaling to deepen the twist..

Twisting posture is a massage for the spine, relieving discomfort such as the waist and back, making the spine more flexible, and also promoting digestion..

Common yoga postures include: standing forward bend, strengthening lateral extension, bicorner, swan, baby, head to knee, and so on. In forward facing poses, it is important to fold from the hips, truly activate the core, maintain spinal extension, and focus not on reaching the legs, but on the chest towards the knees..

Maintaining stability and calmness in forward facing poses can bring focused strength and inner submission..

Common yoga poses for back bending include: wheel pose, pigeon pose, dance king pose, locust pose, bow pose, camel pose, and so on. The back bending posture should pay attention to the high requirements for opening the entire front side of the body (chest, thighs, calves), and the most important point is to open the chest, starting from the thoracic vertebrae and bending back..

In the back bending posture, we can effectively open the chest, bid farewell to negative emotions, improve bad postures such as rounded shoulders and hunchbacks, and make us more confident..

The common yoga side bending postures include: triangle, side angle, door latch, sitting side bending, and so on. In side bending postures, it is important to activate leg strength, center the hips, and extend the chest well..

In the side bending posture, excess fat in the waist can be reduced, the waistline can be beautified, the spinal elasticity can be increased, and the shoulders can be flexible..

Common yoga inverted postures include shoulder stand, head stand, elbow stand, hand stand, etc. In inverted postures, it is important to note that the strength of the arms, abdomen, shoulders, and other areas is crucial to maintain stability and effortless compression of the neck..

Inverted posture is the king of postures, and its benefits are well known, such as allowing blood to flow back, nourishing facial skin, and delaying aging..

Common yoga balance postures include Tree pose, Eagle pose, Warrior Tri pose, Cross pose, Half Moon pose, etc. Balance postures should focus on establishing a foundation, increasing leg and core strength, and maintaining psychological stability..

Balanced postures can make you feel elegant and stable. When your foundation is stable, the rest of the postures can be done well..

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