Soup | Is yoga practice a competition? This is not true.

Yoga Reading Notes | Yoga Training Notes | Yoga Practice Comprehension | Yoga Man’s Story | Yoga and Life The following passage is taken from the sharing of the authorized teacher Wendy of Atang in the live broadcast.

The content is very direct and enlightening.

“In the practice of Atang, we enter from the asana, and the body belongs to the physical level, because what we can feel most directly with our senses is the physical level, and then connect the physical body and the inner spirit through breathing.

If we want to really enter the inner world, we must have a bridge, that is, breathing, and always make this bridge especially strong.

Don’t take asana as the only standard and goal of practice.

When I first practiced Atang, At that time, there were not many professional practitioners of Atang, and there was no connection with Mysore, India.

The understanding of Atang was limited to the password class in the form of big class.

Therefore, there will be misunderstandings, mistakenly thinking that in yoga class, you should learn a sequence as a goal.

This also leads some beginners to follow the asana map, distinguish which asanas can be done and which can’t be done, and then take breaking through those that can’t be done as the goal, while ignoring those that can be done.

When I first learned Atang, I also took a detour.

I would participate in the so-called advanced exercises, and try to open my shoulders and hips every day to increase my so-called strength, and let myself do some postures that I can’t do at my current state.

This misunderstanding represents that we do not understand the body, and will also encourage the ego.

Once the ego is inflated or the goal is particularly strong, our misunderstanding of yoga will become deeper and deeper.

It is easy to regard practice as a competition, such as competition between oneself and others, which is not the original intention of yoga.

Practitioners should think about what changes yoga has brought to us? This kind of change should not only stay at the physical level, but also extend to the cognitive level.

For example, this kind of cognition is an unprecedented change in our consciousness.

Only through this process can we really enter the door of yoga.

” I dare to tell my feelings about several topics she mentioned according to the teacher’s sharing.

Many Atang practitioners have mentioned to me that we should cultivate breathing, pay attention to breathing in practice, and even said that as long as we practice breathing well, the posture will improve.

Breathing is a powerful energy, which is beyond our imagination.

Those great gods who do light postures seem to do it by breathing.

At first, I was a little muddled.

Later, I had some experience and occasionally felt the lightness brought by breathing.

The asana map is not new to Atang practitioners, but it really misleads many people, as Wendy mentioned.

In order to practice in a long time, we may need to forget the posture map for the time being, just remember the teacher’s instruction, and cook it slowly according to the posture given by the teacher.

When the time is ripe, the soup will be delicious.

I am a student of Yeluzi’s practice, so I have less chance to compete with other students in Mysore classroom.

Of course, in yoga practice, the mentality of competition is wrong and we should adjust it.

Since yoga is inward, why bother with external forms? Some people may be born with good physical conditions and unlock postures very quickly, but they may not be able to enter the door of yoga.

However, some people can immerse themselves in yoga and successfully open the inner door, even if their conditions are normal and the postures given by the teacher are normal.

I prefer to do the latter, because I care more about whether I practice pure yoga or not.

I like Wendy’s talk about the cognitive changes that yoga should bring.

I have always felt that yoga teachers teach yoga, which represents their understanding of yoga.

The differences in teachers’ own understanding will lead to the differences in teaching methods and results.

Follow the teacher who has a higher understanding of yoga to learn, the students’ experience and harvest will be different, just like standing on the shoulders of giants is easier to succeed.

If you want to be a pious practitioner of Atang, you might as well read the sharing above by Wendy several times, and then reflect on your usual practice and harvest.

Perhaps your change in yoga cognition will occur quietly in the process.

More content shared by Wendy in the live broadcast: Boiling soup | Astonga yoga practice, let us know an undiscovered self! Boiling soup | Astonga yoga is hatha yoga! Boil soup | In yoga practice, mobilize the instinct of breathing to make the body light! If you are serious about practicing yoga, please follow the professional teacher and start the journey of yoga from offline practice.

Come on! Welcome to pay attention.

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