New Yoga Life

12 “high intensity” Yoga variants, sweat to lose weight, thin waist, can practice at home! (collection level)

Inhale with your feet apart from the hip width


5: prepare for inclined plate


Retract your core


Inhale with both hands under your shoulders


8: elbow plate preparation, palm to the ground, and push your hips up The dog exhaled under the elbow plate, the center of gravity forward to the elbow plate, dynamic exercise 10 times, action 9: side plate preparation, left elbow under the shoulder, right hand beside the ear, elbow point to the ceiling to inhale, rotate the chest, right elbow point to the ground to exhale, back to the side plate dynamic exercise 10 times, reverse action 10: small bridge preparation, hands exhale on both sides of the body, lift the hip up, chest up to inhale 11: small bridge preparation, straighten the left leg, exhale upward, lift the hip, inhale parallel to the thigh, drop the hip to the ground for 10 times, change the opposite side 12: lie on the back, bend the knees, lift the hands horizontally, exhale with palms close to the ground, turn the lower body to the right, compress the shoulder blade, turn the head and look at the left hand Hold 10 breaths and switch to the opposite side.


Move your weight forward to the inclined plate to exhale


Jump your feet to both sides to exhale


Dynamic exercise 10 times


Today, I’d like to recommend 12 high-intensity Yoga variants, such as sweating to lose weight, thin waist and hips, strengthening the core of physical fitness, helping you do it at one time, and practicing at home


Keep your back extended


Dynamic exercise 10 groups


7: slant plate preparation, tighten your core, bend your elbow down to the cushion surface in turn, and then straighten your arm to slant plate dynamic exercises for 10 times


6: dismount the dog Move your right leg backward and inhale upward, move your center of gravity forward, exhale with your right elbow on your knee, stretch your right leg backward and inhale upward, move your center of gravity forward, move your knee to your left elbow, and do dynamic exercises for 10 times


Lift your hip up to downward dog


Dynamic exercise 10 times


Let’s hurry to collect and practice together: action 1: stand on the mat, one leg apart, one leg long, toes abducted 45 degrees, hands in front of the chest, inhale, extend the spine upward, shoulders relax, breath, hips vertically downward, and sit low knee upward 2: stand on the cushion, put the weight on the left foot, inhale, extend the spine, bend the right knee, lift the leg forward, move the weight forward, straighten the right leg backward, and stretch the arm forward, dynamic exercise 10 times, change the opposite side, dynamic exercise 10 times, 3: Mountain stance, clench hands, bend the elbow, open the left foot to the side, exhale for a long distance, bend the left knee, squat to the left, inhale, Take back your left foot and change it to the opposite side


4: prepare for downward dog style


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