After practicing yoga for such a long time, how can we see if we have made progress? ​

When the flow of energy is more smooth, we can be more healthy, strong and energetic


However, as far as asana practice is concerned, it does not have much significance except to move the body


From obsessed with postures to appreciating the practice process, many people work hard to practice a difficult posture, such as handstand, crossing, arm balance, etc


If not, yoga will fall into an acrobatics that misuses the Sanskrit name


The “type” with essence, Qi and spirit is the real “type”


This is not to belittle yoga asana, just to show that yoga asana is not from classical dogma or rigid things, a asana has no standard shape, for example, we are familiar with warrior 1, the so-called standard warrior 1, we all know


Being able to do perfect yoga postures does not necessarily make us become better people


Yoga is a system that contains ancient wisdom and helps people develop their body and mind in an all-round way


The movement of “Qi” in the body is related to the circulatory system, lymphatic system, nerve channel and soft tissue structure


No matter whether the car is good or bad, it has already started to drive


Of course, there is nothing wrong with wanting a healthier and sexier body But what we should pay attention to is that yoga can give us more things besides carving out muscle lines, stretching muscles and moving muscles and bones


Only when yoga practitioners begin to practice When asana practice is used as a tool, method and medium, yoga asana is endowed with function and significance


Such yoga postures can only become acrobatics at most


Yoga postures are not only to move the body, but also to run energy in the body


Yes, I can go to concave shape, I can sun photos, and I can also participate in the competition of Yoga Conference


In fact, they have lost the essence of yoga for a long time


From the “breast”, “hip”, “weight loss”, “Mermaid vest” into a richer and more refined yoga


Whether it is an ordinary car or a luxury car, its main function is to drive from one place to another


However, for most of us, the first entrance is asana practice, that is, our daily practice time on the mat


In fact, there is only one yoga postures in the Yoga Sutra of patangali, the most classic yoga work: Meditation for stability and comfort


Even people who meditate every day can’t make us more quiet


mastering this yoga posture can show our ability to control the body, and it can really give people a great sense of achievement, but what about after you do it? So what? Most people still take mastering difficult postures as their own yoga level exhibition


Therefore, in the process of yoga practice, the most important thing is that the function of yoga postures is far more important than modeling


In the final analysis, most people are very concerned about the shaping effect of yoga when practicing yoga


Therefore, starting from physical exercise, yoga practitioners should gradually realize the influence of yoga on the body at a more subtle level


We are still very entangled with the things on the body level


The ultimate goal of yoga is to help us get out of ignorance and illusion and get close to the reality of life


We use yoga to relieve the pain of our body, clear the clutter of our mind, and the shackles of the karma of earthly life


From physical exercise to energy management, many people practice yoga with strong utilitarianism


For example, through the study of mastering difficult postures, we should master how to overcome our own obstacles, or establish stronger body consciousness and awareness through this process


But in the actual practice process, as long as the basic body order details are taken care of, others, such as the position of the arm, you can use different arm positions to create different practice effects


This principle has long been similar to that of a car


So where is the progress of Yoga? Although we have always said that yoga has been handed down for thousands of years, many yoga postures have been created only in recent hundreds of years


So in the process of yoga practice, we should try our best to master postures, but we should also give meaning to our efforts


After that, we will be better Grasping the calf when bending can’t guarantee that we won’t get sick, and handstand steadily can’t guarantee that we can have a happy and beautiful life


We feel that the stretching of chest and hip flexors is important in yoga practice, and the hand is important It’s not that it’s not important to grasp the toes, it’s important to feel that the pain in the waist is slowly alleviating, it’s not important how much time you spend on the yoga mat every day, it’s the most important to take sufficient energy and a new look in the process of practice


We should pay more attention to what we gain from yoga postures, rather than just observing the appearance of yoga postures to see whether the standard of yoga postures is not standard and whether the modeling is awesome


In this way, yoga becomes a way to achieve a certain goal, not the goal itself


Some want to have a better figure, some want to be thinner, and some want to have a sense of muscle


The article first published in official account of yoga, pays attention to me, and shares more yoga knowledge everyday.


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