“5-step yoga breathing method”, so that you can breathe thin!

Breathing is the key to sustaining life.

Breathing has been with us since we came into the world as babies.

Studies have shown that conscious breathing can relieve stress, reduce emotional fluctuations, improve sleep, and reduce the impulse of desire and addiction.

Breathing can calm the brain and think more clearly.

When we practice yoga, the most important key is to breathe, “inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth”.

While exhaling, we should imagine that the waste in our body is vomited out with the breath, and consciously feel the bulge and adduction of the lower abdomen.

When you breathe in the fresh air, you should imagine that you breathe the essence of heaven and earth into your body, as if you breathe in new life force.

This is the Dantian exhalation method.

In the practice of yoga, the role of breath and body is equally important.

Because breathing represents the most internal feeling and perception of the human body, asana practice requires correct breathing, helps calm the mood, creates internal peace, and makes your practice safe and effective.

Today, yoga honey recommends a group of postures to practice breathing.

In the following actions, each action should be repeated once, which will help us better achieve the standard postures in yoga practice.

The preparation action lies on the yoga mat, with legs slightly wider than shoulders, and hands naturally open on both sides of the body as shown in the figure.

Gently close your eyes, exhale and slowly relax your body while always breathing naturally, Remember to breathe with your belly.


Crocodile step1: then open your hands, with your arms in a straight line and your palms facing the ground.

While inhaling, draw your legs together and bend your knees.

Pay attention to inhaling with your nose Step2: keep your upper body close to the ground, slowly stick your knees to the right floor, try to keep your right thighs and calves close to the ground, and turn your head to the left.

If you feel stiff and can’t do this, just stick your right knee to the ground.

Notice that the two knees are always close together, and breathe slowly.

Keep 10 breaths Step3: breathe in and return to the posture of lying on the yoga mat before, and then change the other side to do this action.

It can be cycled 3-5 times.


Cobra step1: lie on the yoga mat, do the prone preparation posture, put your toes on the ground to support your body, and put your hands on both sides of your chest as shown in the figure.

When breathing, feel your abdomen concave, and then start breathing out the gas with your mouth Step2: stretch your hands straight while exhaling, and tilt your upper body up as much as possible.

Your abdomen should not leave the ground, your arms should be tightened and not too far away from your body, and your shoulders should be clamped in the middle of your back, Maintain 10 abdominal breathing.

This action can stimulate the muscles around the shoulders, help stretch, promote fat burning, and also help burn the fat on the back and small belly.


Cobra enhanced step1: also afraid of being on the yoga mat, separate your legs, the distance is slightly wider than your shoulders, the insteps of your feet should be close to the ground, and put your hands on your hips to hold each other.

The way of breathing is to feel your abdomen sink in, and then exhale with your mouth Step2: when inhaling, use your nose, chest to the ground, chin to the ground, exhale again, and lift your hands from your hips.

Try your best.

The way of breathing should still maintain abdominal breathing, After 10 breaths, put it down and cycle for 3-5 times.

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