When you practice yoga with this attitude, miracles appear

Why do you sometimes feel confused and frustrated after yoga class? Because when we are beginners and only focus on asanas, we feel that a good class should make progress in asanas.

For example, each asana can be done well, praised by the teacher, or do better than others.

This is the first mistake, because yoga goes far beyond the physical level.

When we learn to dig deeper through the surface of asana, miracles appear.

Every day is different, both physically and psychologically, we should learn to accept these differences.

We need to turn our attention from the outside to the inside.

Let’s find what we need most and benefit more from the course.

The longer you practice yoga, the more you learn to focus on the inside and change naturally.

Look at the following mistakes, do you have any? 1.

Worry about what others think.

Yoga connects your body and mind, so don’t worry that you can’t do asanas.

You should make simple variants to give you what your body needs.

You can practice Yin Yoga or yang yoga without worrying about other people’s opinions.

The only person who needs your help in 20 minutes is not the baby.

To be honest, no one has time to see you.

They are still struggling in the tree to focus on not falling down.


Without Yoga AIDS, I don’t know why.

Many people have misunderstandings about yoga AIDS.

It’s a big mistake to think that weak people need yoga bricks or yoga belts.

Yoga old birds also like to use yoga AIDS, because they can help them explore their bodies and enter deeper postures.

Besides, who cares what others think, this is your own yoga practice.


It’s a big mistake not to do the upright posture.

The body straightening is an important part of yoga practice.

It allows you to completely relax and absorb the energy brought by practice in class.

Remember — like other asanas, the body posture needs practice.

If you find this pose difficult, trust me, so do others.

We can learn a lot in silence.


Forget to breathe.

Your breathing accounts for a large part of your practice.

We breathe in and out of asanas, concentrate and clean our bodies.

It’s easy to lose focus on breathing during practice.

But if you find yourself holding your breath, or your heart begins to wander, return your focus to breathing and breathe consciously.

Staying focused on breathing can better connect your body.

Your breathing will help you get back to your practice.


Don’t leave the ego outside the classroom.

First of all, don’t compare in class.

The comparison appears.

Your ego is making trouble.

If you force yourself to compete with the people next to you, stop and remind yourself that Yoga travel is your own and we are all on our own path.

Your practice may be completely different from others.

That’s not a problem.


Regard yoga as a skill that needs to be mastered.

We often see many difficult postures in our circle of friends, which seem to be perfect.

However, perfection does not exist.

We don’t seek perfection in class, we just want to explore deeper.


Negative self talk your thoughts are more powerful than you think.

If you spend the whole class thinking about how poor your balance is, or think you’ll never be able to do crow style, you’ll stay where you are forever.

However, if you learn to accept your own practice and give yourself love, optimism and positive energy, you will find that your energy becomes strong in class and feels great all day.

During practice, when you find yourself having negative thoughts, release them and return to breathing.


Become stagnant, don’t be afraid of making mistakes, and don’t force yourself to learn and progress.

Beginners may be afraid to learn new asanas or new yoga genres, but growth is beautiful, change is inevitable, and find their potential.

At the same time, it is easy to be framed in a asana genre, or feel that a certain concept of yoga is correct and the best.

Don’t limit yourself.


Being outside the classroom, if you find yourself thinking about something else in class, it’s easier to say than to do, but it’s a very important part of yoga.

Give yourself enough time on the yoga mat and go to the Yoga classroom early to keep yourself in the state of yoga.


Take Yoga too seriously.

Remember, yoga is a gift you give yourself.

Enjoy your practice.

Sometimes we are too serious, set high standards for ourselves, or don’t allow ourselves to relax.

Yoga, the art of health and happiness, should bring you more laughter and health.

Yoga practice is sacred and can be fun- Today’s topic: Yoga is the art of health and happiness.

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Before 12:00 on April 29, we will select the most lucky fans from the selected messages and send out < 14 sets of Yin Yoga landing practice class > for permanent review.

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