New Yoga Life

14 simple yoga postures, you can practice alone at home (collection level)

First of all, we think it’s best to practice yoga at home alone when there is a certain foundation


Don’t force yourself


02 | pay attention to the environment




Hold 3-5 breaths in this position and repeat on the other side


After you finish the 13 asanas above, you need a relaxation action to finish it




Keep 3-5 breaths


Right heel off the ground, adduction 45 degrees down, just right on the left foot arch, keep legs straight and strong, let the body stable


The body should be balanced and stable, and the support of the arm should be more powerful than that of the lower dog variant


The right arm drives the right waist to lengthen to the right and lower


Try to keep the extension of the side waist and arm


You need to pay attention to: 1


After 3-5 breaths in this position, continue on the other leg


You can use the Yoga brick as an aid


Try to keep the straight right leg in line with the trunk and arm


Hold 3-5 breaths in this position


Keep your legs as wide apart as possible to keep your body standing


Stretch your fingertips up, feel the energy flow from your feet up, and hold 3-5 breaths


Slowly move your hips back and extend your spine


After stabilizing the shoulder and side waist, put the right hand on the foot first, with the center of gravity on the right hand


After a certain period of relaxation, repeat the sequence


It can help you eliminate impetuosity, concentrate and build a sense of balance in your life! What are the requirements for practicing at home? 01 | there is a certain foundation


After 3-5 breaths, change right leg


Keep quiet


If the physical condition does not allow this for the time being, you can use yoga bricks to help you feel the extension of the legs and spine


Sit on the yoga mat in boat style, legs straight and close, toes taut forward, arms on both sides of the body


Supine single leg twist continue from top to bottom, keeping the body flat


Bend your body forward from your hips and hold your hands against the wall with the palms slightly above your shoulders


Today, I’d like to introduce 14 yoga postures


Lie on the yoga mat and slowly lift your left leg with the sole of your foot facing the ceiling




Straighten your right arm down to the ceiling, keep your right leg straight and your left thigh and leg at a 90 degree angle


You can practice them at home alone


5 standing forward flexion extension: stand with your feet at the same distance as your hips, arms over your head, hands holding the elbow of the other arm


Practice in a well ventilated environment with moderate temperature, especially in summer


Starting from the second stance of 9 soldiers, step one step apart, turn the right foot 90 degrees to the right, turn the left foot 30 degrees to the same side, raise both arms horizontally, parallel to the ground, palm down


Hold 3-5 breaths in this position


After 3-5 breaths in this position, change your right leg




Lie on the mat with your arms and legs relaxed, your eyes closed, and focus on your long breath


Straighten the right leg, straighten the knee, and bend the left knee until the left thigh is parallel to the ground, the left calf is vertical to the ground, the left knee cannot exceed the toe, the right leg is fully extended backward, and the knee is tightened


03 | to overcome the “inertia” of practicing yoga alone, it is easy to give up halfway because there is no supervision, and the key to achieve the effect of practicing yoga is persistence


7 corner stretches continue from the top pose, keeping your left hand supported on a yoga brick or floor, bending your left knee


The half moon variant starts from the lower dog variant, slowly raising the right leg, twisting the body sideways, and supporting the ground with the left hand downward


Hold 3-5 breaths in this position


6 triangle extension, feet apart from the appropriate distance, arm level, and shoulder height


Slowly lift your legs and upper body, arms straight on both sides of the body, palms opposite at the knees, the body is V-shaped


Yoga is a very personal way of life, let Yoga bring you more comfortable life, start from the ability to practice independently! Let’s go when we’ve finished watching 👍。


Practicing yoga at home, you can try the following asanas


Stand facing the wall, keep a proper distance from the wall and keep your legs straight together


Don’t practice yoga with video or TV on


Don’t breathe too fast


Stand facing the wall in mountain pose with your feet as wide as your hips


After 3-5 breaths, stand and relax


Lift the right leg straight back out, the body center of gravity between the left leg and left hand, right hand wall to maintain body balance


That’s the asana


Keep your spine straight up, look forward, and then place your elbows on the mat at your calves, bend forward, and slowly put your forehead on the mat in front of you


Twist your left leg straight to the right, and let your right hand stretch with the stretch belt to feel the stretch of the hip muscle


Bend the upper body forward, hold the outside of the ankle on the same side with both hands, and press the head down to the ground


If you need to practice yoga to achieve the purpose of physical therapy, or to improve physical discomfort, it is recommended to seek the help of professional teachers or books


Yoga can not pursue high difficulty, starting from the posture you can do, slowly improve the flexibility of the body to avoid injury


Starting from the 13 angle sitting position, bend your knees to both sides of your body so that the heels of your feet are close to the perineum, the soles of your feet are relatively close, and the thighs are separated to both sides


If the posture is not standard enough, your yoga practice effect will be greatly reduced


As you inhale, stretch your arms upward, keep your trunk straight, keep your fingers apart, and keep your arms straight


The 3 warrior variant continues from the upper individual, slowly raising your right leg and stretching straight back


You can also put a yoga towel under your head, and a mat under your knees and ankles for deep relaxation


You can’t ignore the warm-up and rest techniques when practicing yoga yourself


Hold 3-5 breaths in this position


The above 14 Yoga sequences are not difficult, and can be used as a start for you to practice yoga alone at home


Body from the hip position to the front to do forward bending, according to their own physical conditions can bend the appropriate range


Keep 3-5 breaths


It’s best to make sure you’re not disturbed during practice


Pay attention to stretch and relax before and after practice


Poke the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Many Jiaren leave a message saying that although they want to practice yoga, they don’t have time to go to a yoga studio, so they don’t know


It’s not good for us to get into meditation


Lower your knees


If your body is flexible enough, you don’t have to use the stretch band, otherwise you can use the stretch band to tighten your raised left leg


Pay attention to the movement and relax


It feels like a pair of wings grow on your back


After 3-5 breaths in this position, change to the other side of the body


You can place a yoga brick as an aid


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