Pelvic instability? Weak legs? Try this yoga sequence!

Today, I recommend a group of yoga exercises to prevent and solve the imbalance of pelvis and legs.

For example: pelvic tilt, internal rotation of thighs, knee hyperextension, X or O-shaped legs, plantar fasciitis, patellofemoral syndrome (knee bounce), etc.

you want to practice this sequence for prevention rather than treatment! 1.

Activate gluteus maximus, cover both legs with extension belt, and open both feet with shoulder width or slightly larger than hip to do dynamic squatting exercises.

1-2 groups 2.

Activate gluteus maximus mountain standing, one foot standing on Yoga brick, and the other leg doing dynamic exercises up and down.

1-2 groups 3.

Activate small leg muscles (gastrocnemius, posterior tibia and soleus) mountain standing, and put elastic belt on both thighs to lift the left foot down, Raise your right foot and drop your feet alternately.

Practice group 1-2 mountain standing with your feet together.

Do tiptoe falling exercises.

Group 1-2 4.

Stretch the double thigh cover extension belt on the back of your legs (hamstring, soleus, gastrocnemius and Achilles tendon), and do downward dog pose.

Pay attention to your legs, try your best to stretch the back of your thighs, and maintain 5-8 breaths.

Strengthen the core (rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis) to bend your knees and stand on the cushion surface, Exhale into the inclined plate to keep 5-8 breaths, and pay attention to maintaining the balance of the body with the core.


Strengthen the core and stability, directly transition from the inclined plate to the side plate, tighten the core to maintain the balance and stability of the body, keep 5-8 breaths, and change the other side.


Strengthen the hamstring and hip muscles, stretch the hip joint and bend the knees on the back, put the elastic belt on the legs, lift the hips upward, and pay attention to the confrontation between the legs and hips and the elastic belt in the pose to keep 5-8 breaths.

8 Strengthen the hip abductor group to lie on the side, slightly bend the knees, cover both legs with extension belt to exhale, open both legs to fight against the elastic belt, dynamic exercise group 1-2 9.

Strengthen the hip muscles, relieve the discomfort of shoulder and neck, lie prone, stretch both arms forward, lift one leg up, keep 3-5 breaths for the other leg, dynamic exercise group 1-2 10.

Strengthen the long sitting position of medial thigh muscles, Put a blanket under the knee to keep the left leg stable and extend the spine.

Lift the right heel a few inches to keep breathing for 3-5 times.

Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Group 1-2 11.

Stretch the quadriceps femoris supine, put the Yoga brick on the sacrum, straighten the legs, hook the toes back, lift the right leg close to the abdomen, extend and press the left leg with force to keep breathing for 3-5 times.

Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Group 1-2 12.

Stretch the adductor and internal rotator supine and bend the knee, Put the right foot on the left thigh, lift the left leg to keep 3-5 breaths close to the abdomen, and change the other side.


Stretch the adductor muscle of the thigh to lie on your back, lift your legs up perpendicular to the body, slowly open your legs, keep 3-5 breaths, and then slowly close together and bend your knees close to the abdomen to keep 3-5 breaths.

Repeat group 1-2.


Relax the pelvis and lie on your sides with your legs, put a pillow between your legs, put a brick, blanket or pillow under your head as support, and close your eyes, Completely relax for 3-5 minutes and change sides..

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