Snow desert wisdom course: Mindfulness Training of snow desert Yoga (7)

You need to train like this all the time before you get there


You can try to enter any era in the middle of history and feel the state of mind of people in that era


This sensibility of course includes both physical and psychological aspects


Generally speaking, the better part of training is the heart


After a period of time, this kind of training can improve one’s perception ability, one’s perception ability of nature, one’s own perception ability, one’s own perception ability, one’s perception ability of others, and one’s perception ability of society


It’s also good to look down on the navel wheel


But for some people, it may be easy to doze, and it’s not suitable for women to look down on the physiological period, which will lead to increased blood flow


In the actual training, water yoga and fire yoga can choose one, do not necessarily have to train together, in the development of imagination, their effectiveness is the same, but in terms of the impact on the body, the two have different advantages, such as the body with cold, Yang deficiency, more training Fire yoga, the body hot, fire big people, can train more water yoga


It can’t come in straight, because it can’t come in straight


Because it represents your imagination, it represents the thinking ability of your brain


When meditating on the nebular energy cluster, we need to pay attention to the following points: first, the larger the energy cluster, the better


Later in the training, you don’t have this size


The real heart chakra is in the heart mouth, Juque point, and the heart mouth


Later, you and it are one


Many people like to visualize the heart chakra, but they don’t necessarily know the exact location


Fourth, imagination mindfulness training is not only the training of imagination, but also the training of sensibility


At this time, you are it, you don’t need to meditate on it, because you have entered the sea like a drop of water


Third, the body parts can come in from the top of the head, the heart chakra and the navel chakra


Therefore, after a period of fire yoga training, many people find that there is energy flow in their body, and others find that their heart can feel it


This perception can even span time


Second, when the energy of the energy mass enters the body, it should enter in a rotating posture and rotate clockwise


So, for mindfulness training, the most important thing is to make it a way of life..


This shows that the energy of meditation has a real impact on the body


Because there is a huge space in this place, you can gather some things that the ancients said about essence, Qi, spirit and so on


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