New Yoga Life

Yoga therapy for piriformis syndrome

Firstly, we need to have a clear understanding of piriformis syndrome. Piriformis syndrome, in short, is a series of symptoms caused by compression of the sciatic nerve in the piriformis muscle area. The most obvious manifestation is that patients may feel pain in the buttocks, which may also extend along the sciatic nerve to the back of the thighs, calves, and feet..

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The causes of piriformis syndrome are diverse. For example, injuries or accidental traumas during exercise, piriformis muscle tension caused by prolonged poor posture, and structural variations in the sciatic nerve in a few individuals may all be contributing factors. Especially when the sciatic nerve passes through the piriformis muscle, the contraction of the piriformis muscle may compress the nerve, leading to related symptoms.

The sciatic nerve, as one of the thickest nerves in our body, its pathway is crucial for us to understand the function and potential issues of the piriformis muscle. In most cases, the sciatic nerve is located below the piriformis muscle and presents a common anatomical structure, as shown in Figure 1. However, individual differences always exist, and some people may experience changes in their sciatic nerve..

As shown in Figure 2, the sciatic nerve may split into two branches, one of which still runs below the piriformis muscle, while the other branch passes through the muscle belly of the piriformis muscle. In Figure 3, the entire sciatic nerve crosses the muscle belly of the piriformis muscle. These variations, especially the latter two, are more likely to lead to the occurrence of piriformis syndrome..

The diagnosis of piriformis syndrome requires a comprehensive examination of the patient’s medical history, physical examination, and imaging. In physical examination, FAIR testing (i.e. flexion, adduction, hip rotation) is an important evaluation method..

However, before establishing the diagnosis of piriformis syndrome, it is necessary to differentiate it from other diseases that may cause sciatica, such as intervertebral disc herniation compressing nerve roots or hip joint lesions..

Therefore, it is crucial for patients with sciatica to seek the help of professionally trained and qualified doctors..

Firstly, we adopt the mountain pose as the starting position, followed by jumping off with both feet and entering the four legged stretching position. Raise your hands flat on both sides of your body, palms facing down, and extend your ten fingers together..

Then, we rotate the left foot and left thigh outward by 90 degrees, while the right foot and right thigh rotate inward by 15 degrees, aligning the heel of the left foot with the midpoint of the arch of the right foot. During this process, we need to ensure that the pelvis remains in a neutral position..

Next, we inhale and extend the spine upwards. When exhaling, tighten the core area with the left groin as the axis, twist the pelvis and spine towards the left side..

At this point, we can use the fingertips of our right hand to support the outer side of our left foot, while extending our left hand upwards, so that both arms are in the same straight line. Subsequently, we turned our heads upwards and focused our eyes on the fingertips of our left hand..

After completing this action, we inhale, get up, and return to the four legged stretching position, then return to the mountain position again..

Take a supine position on the yoga mat, with hands flat on both sides of the body and palms pressed against the ground..

Next, stretch the piriformis muscle by adducting and flexing the right hip joint. When exhaling, bend your right knee close to your chest and hold the outer side of your right foot with your left hand. During this process, maintain the self movement of the left leg.

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